A Conversation for Anagrammitis

Nice weekend ?

Post 11001

aka Bel - A87832164

What do you mean with double vote, do you still have to vote on ABSENCE ? Go ahead then smiley - ok

Nice weekend ?

Post 11002


Damn this is becoming more confusing by the second, I can't remember voting for TOMORROW...smiley - ermsmiley - rofl

Nice weekend ?

Post 11003

aka Bel - A87832164

You'd better go and ask MMF U236774 then, I have no idea when his latest update was.

Nice weekend ?

Post 11004

Icy North

You haven't voted since ARSENAL, Arty, but I wouldn't bother raking up the ashes of old games - you'll only upset the bloke that adds it all up.

smiley - smiley

Nice weekend ?

Post 11005


I can't, I don't have the time, I'll come back at a later date to see if things have worked themselves outsmiley - ok In fact I won't vote at all for TOMORROW as it's a bit late...later,have a good day both, and my apologies for causing any confusionsmiley - laugh

Nice weekend ?

Post 11006

aka Bel - A87832164

Never mind Arty, confusion is my middle name smiley - rofl
Have a good day smiley - hug

Nice weekend ?

Post 11007


Oh no (scurries away realising how much hassle he has caused- and is feeling strangely exposedsmiley - laugh******
I think I'll just give in to the fact that some folks are gonna miss out on my vote, and I'll just post a vote for holiday...all sorted , done'n'dusted, no more hassle..pphhhewww smiley - somersault

Nice weekend ?

Post 11008

aka Bel - A87832164

I never thought it would cause MMF to post on the admin thread, but hey, just wait for the results now smiley - biggrin

Nice weekend ?

Post 11009


B'el, yeah I'm VERY surprised too! I'm not used to being hauled up before my peers!-(leads a quiet lifesmiley - laugh
I think for the best wee all forget my ramblings and I'll just as I suggested vote for the latest telegram..all in favour say AYE!smiley - rofl

Nice weekend ?

Post 11010


And that's 'we' as in the royal 'we'smiley - erm not wee, as in Scotlandsmiley - erm that's a lot of *ish..smiley - rofl-Must get some new bats for keyboardsmiley - laugh

Nice weekend ?

Post 11011

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm not in favour of it, we need the votings, so go ahead and vote smiley - ok

Nice weekend ?

Post 11012

Icy North

Hi both! smiley - smiley

I hope life's treating you well, Arty. How's the IT course going? What have you done recently?

Nice weekend ?

Post 11013


Hi Icy, aye, it's not going too bad at present, I have missed a few days but I should catch up!
With all the good weather 'n' other things happening recently I've been finding better things to pass my time. It's been far too hot and stuffy to sit in a confined area. They refuse to even open a door or window in the library, very strange!
The excuse was that it's a fire door, hey!, I thought to myself, if it's a fire door, and it's open, then it's a lot quicker to get out smiley - laugh but that's just me I suppose!
smiley - space
My love life seems to have taken precedence over all actually mate, my Bradford lass has fallen for me in a big way, so all is good with me really, I'll keep you posted regarding the resultsmiley - oksmiley - smiley

Nice weekend ?

Post 11014


smiley - rofl Ach whit a mess jeemy!
-Is rather confusedsmiley - doh
What if I just post the bloody vote?, after all I cannot be stopped??smiley - rofl whether MMF likes it or not or considers the vote is a different matter all together. I just like to keep things fair, after all there will have been some votes for my entries in the last few weeks so it's only common decency to return the gesture!

Nice weekend ?

Post 11015

Icy North

That's excellent news mate! I told you the strong tea and takeaway curry would do it, didn't I?

smiley - laugh

Nice weekend ?

Post 11016

Icy North

Maybe you're right about the votes Arty - just do what you think's best. Hell, there's no money on it is there?

Nice weekend ?

Post 11017


Waits for an encouraging remark..........smiley - whistle

Nice weekend ?

Post 11018


That's all I needed-smiley - run's to voting thread..wooohhoooooo smiley - rofl

Nice weekend ?

Post 11019


Sorted, have to fly now my friends, so little time. Icy, I think it was the caramel wafers(secret weapon!) that swayed the decision, thanks for the input, take care all and have a(looks at subject boxsmiley - laugh!! nice weekend,
smiley - cheers

Nice weekend ?

Post 11020

Icy North

Cheers Arty.

I'll look up a few Yorkshire sayings in case the conversation dries up. The only one that springs to mind is:

"Eee - the things you see when you don't have a gun."

smiley - cheers

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