A Conversation for Anagrammitis

? ? ? ?

Post 10981

Icy North

See you in a week's time Arty (I'm away for a few days).

That reminds me - I'd better leave some clues.

The album is by the Stones.

The lady artist had a number one hit with "Can't Fight The Moonlight" in November 2000. Hope that helps...

? ? ? ?

Post 10982

aka Bel - A87832164

What about a clue for te GRG ? To keep me busy next week smiley - laugh

? ? ? ?

Post 10983

Icy North

The only clue I can give you is that things may not be in the order you expect to see them...

? ? ? ?

Post 10984

aka Bel - A87832164

Ok,thank you, I'll have the boys have another go smiley - laugh
See you in a week smiley - kiss

Nice weekend ?

Post 10985

aka Bel - A87832164

Hello Arty, did you have a nice weekend ? Where have you been all week ?

Nice weekend ?

Post 10986


Weekend went well B'elana, and we kept in touch. Then things went sour yesterdaysmiley - sadface
I've just been keeping myself busy hon, not been sitting in much because of the good weather!
Listen gotta go for now but will try come back soonsmiley - oksmiley - hug

Nice weekend ?

Post 10987


Hi b'el, I'm smiley - lurk, not much going on, I think everyones out in the sunshine.

Arty if you are around can you explain the golden rule where the right answer had to be wrong so if it was wrong it was right smiley - erm I sort of gave up at that point smiley - headhurts

c x

Nice weekend ?

Post 10988

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - sorry to hear that things went sour Arty smiley - hug
chorlton, I guess you'll have to wait until Icy's return next week, he set the current GRG smiley - smiley
Oh, and we're finally having some sunshine and higher temperatures smiley - somersault

Nice weekend ?

Post 10989

aka Bel - A87832164

Good morning smiley - smiley
Are we all back then ?

Nice weekend ?

Post 10990


Good morning B'elana, I've been away from this place for so long I've forgotten how to post smiley - rofl
I sincerely hope you are keeping well and everything is good with you. I have been keeping myself busy with one thing and another, and with the weather being so good can't seem to find the time or the inclination to be here for any great length of time. I see nothing much changes on the anagram frontsmiley - smileybut that as they say is par for the course. I may try to get back here later on today to see if I can catch up with some solving. I do like to keep my brain ticking over with wordgames and puzzlessmiley - smiley
I have to squeeze in some late votes too for the telegram game and post one or two if I'm lucky for (holiday). I just decided to log on for 5 mins or so out of curiousity, and to be honest I'm ready to drop where I stand. Maybe later my batteries will have recharged a little and I should be able to string a few sentences together for a natter. I do miss our mad conversations heresmiley - erm so gotta go for now hon, hope to see you later today,

Nice weekend ?

Post 10991


Oh and Icy my friend, I'm almost positive the places anagram is Mangotsfield, these anagrams are gathering dust on the threads and in my mind, so you will have to excuse my uncertainty.You were very close, so take it away, catch you later!

Nice weekend ?

Post 10992

aka Bel - A87832164

Good morning Arty, or maybe that should be good night ? Hope you'll get some sleep. smiley - smiley
The weather is really fantastic here , although some people say it's too warm to play smiley - football in these temps smiley - rofl Hope you'll have a good day, and that we can talk a bit more later again, but can't tell yet , husband's gonna have an op on one of his teeth today, so will be at home and suffering, the poor smiley - sadface

Nice weekend ?

Post 10993


Morning B'elana, can't stay as usualsmiley - laugh Do you think I could make a double-vote on the t/gram thread?smiley - erm It was gonna be a triple but I see Vestboy has 4 entries and that kinda sways the odds in his favour!smiley - smiley

Nice weekend ?

Post 10994


The 4 entries being HOLIDAY!
I missed that piece of helpful info out of the last postsmiley - laugh

Nice weekend ?

Post 10995

aka Bel - A87832164

Good morning Arty, are you saying that Vestboy made a mistake and posted twice for holiday ? I guess we should disregard the latest telegrams in that case, I'll ask in the admin thread smiley - run

Nice weekend ?

Post 10996

Icy North

Hi Arty!

So he has - I never noticed that. I'm inclined to just vote on the first two he posted. Better post this on the Telegram Admin thread first, though.

Nice weekend ?

Post 10997


No, no need to disregard,there aren't many posts for HOLIDAY anyway, I just meant I like some of his entries- but that's not surprising as there are four of them!

Nice weekend ?

Post 10998


Eagle-eyed me as per usualsmiley - sorry but I'm sure you understand! Can I just make a double-vote then..? I'm in a hurry!!!!.....smiley - laugh

Nice weekend ?

Post 10999

aka Bel - A87832164

We have to disregard two of them, and I've just suggested to disregard the last two, so I'm with Icy there. smiley - ok

Nice weekend ?

Post 11000


That being-TOMORROW & ABSENCEsmiley - huh

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