A Conversation for The H2G2 Tolkien film and book Society!

Join the fellowship!

Post 121


thefluffysardine 543893... love to join and be a part! MWAH!

Join the fellowship!

Post 122

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Okay fluffy your up as loved to have joined smiley - tongueout

Join the fellowship!

Post 123


Yay! Jacka nacka nory

Join the fellowship!

Post 124


Yay! Jacka nacka nory smiley - smiley

Join the fellowship!

Post 125

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

I wanna join! U203906
I liked the Hobbit better than the Lord of the Rings, though their both great. I want to get the expanded edition DVD boxed set of all three movies as soon as it comes out. Heard a rumor that ellijah wood's audition tape will be included with the Return of the King expanded edition DVD.
I run my own interactive fantasy RPG here on h2g2 called "Silver Sword" U203906
I play a hobbit-wizard named Gandark Underhill.
smiley - towelNerd42

Join the fellowship!

Post 126

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

oops, I accidentally posted my researcher number instead of the silver sword article number which is A989698smiley - sorry
smiley - towelNerd42

Join the fellowship!

Post 127


hobbit? better?...

Join the fellowship!

Post 128

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Okay nerd, ill try have you up by the end of today.

Sorry about the delays everyone, college is getting the better of me at the moment.

Join the fellowship!

Post 129

AK - fancy that!

Gandark Underhill?

seems like I can tell where you got those names...smiley - laugh

But, a hobbit wizard? is that even possible?

Join the fellowship!

Post 130



Join the fellowship!

Post 131

AK - fancy that!

okaaay... doesn't help though...

Join the fellowship!

Post 132


We need more members.

Join the fellowship!

Post 133

AK - fancy that!

I can imagine that if we advertised, people would wnt to join. its a good idea for a society, much better than some.

Join the fellowship!

Post 134


I'd love to join the fellowship. where do i sign?

Join the fellowship!

Post 135

AK - fancy that!

You just did.

Join the fellowship!

Post 136

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Some such as? ak

Join the fellowship!

Post 137


Yay, more and more people!

Join the fellowship!

Post 138

AK - fancy that!

the ones that existed for one day and were abandoned for the rest of eternity... that's how you know this is better. plus a lot of people like LOTR.
-debating society, skeptics, REST, and many others, I can't think of many clubs at all right now...

Join the fellowship!

Post 139

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*head hits table*

I need help. I cant update the pages but i feel like im lettin everyone down, which is also letting down tolkiens stuff as a whole. If anyone has anything they think i should put on the pages, then start a thread on the relvant page and ill update it as soon as i can.

Once again, sorry ive been a bit useless at the moment.

Join the fellowship!

Post 140

AK - fancy that!

And this is because you've goen a long while without sleep?

if so ehre's my advice: get offline and take a nap, then come back...

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