A Conversation for The H2G2 Tolkien film and book Society!

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Post 181


Good for you, quit while you're ahead. smiley - ok I think I'll go soon... sooo tired... smiley - yawnsmiley - zzz

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Post 182

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

I think it might be worth mentioning that in that one battle, Gimli slew 42 goblins!!! (a bit that may be special to certain people on this site specifically)
smiley - towelNerd42

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Post 183

AK - fancy that!

That's already been noticed, by the folks over at the 42ism page... but yes, somewhat significant...

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Post 184


it was orcs, not goblins.

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Post 185

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Orcs, or Uruk-Hai? Are we talking about Helm's Deep here or not?

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Post 186

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

i believe it was uruk, although gimli killed quite a few at gondor too.

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Post 187

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

I was shure that was goblins....
I'm reading all the books again. Just finished the Hobbit yesterday and am beginning the Fellowship today.
smiley - towelNerd42

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Post 188

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Are there goblins in LOTR? And in extended Two Towers legolas says he's killed 42, and Gimli says he's killed 43, and then Legolsas shoots the one Gimli's sitting on and says 43... I'll stop quoting the entire scene now, but stilll...

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Post 189

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I think goblins and orcs are really the same thing. In the book of Two Towers, they talk about the guys that killed Boromir as goblins.

Did I mention I want to join?

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Post 190

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Nope, whats your U-number, what you think of lotr etc etc

I think that bits great, especially when gimli wiggles the axe and the corpse moves!

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Post 191

AK - fancy that!


I thoguht the only goblins were the oens in Moria?

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Post 192

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Same here. Might be a generic term orc/goblin, even though the races are different. Plus the fact its uruk-hai at helms deep and neither orcs or goblins

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Post 193

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

Orcs are considered more tribal and nomadic, while goblins are more considered a advanced race of those baddies. Orcs are big and strong but stupid and spread out thin. Although in numbers these baddies can do some serious damage.

Goblins are sorta just like dwarves as in they can make metal and use armor etc....They also live in caves for fear of the sunlight thus why in moria they waited to come out and attack the Dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf in the Hobbit.

Uruk's werent that big in Middle Earth only for a little battle in helms deep and some of the final battle at gondors gates. You have to remember that Saruman bred them to destroy Rohan. He sent some to Saurons forces to show more of his loyalty.

Overall they are all evil. Uruks were the strongest and builker but more stupid and required a educated leader. Orcs were nomadic and lived in tribes until the great war with gondor and Sauron. Goblins were more a advanced race, that lived away in the mountains and just attacked stuff that was more considered a lesser race or people that just stumbled across there path, sorta like protecting ones territory rather than conquer and destroy.

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Post 194


Phew! Knowledge!
-The bit where Gimli wiggles the axe - I thought it was really funny too, I laughed so hard, the only thing is...since when did people in middle earth know the term "nervous system" smiley - huh

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Post 195

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Since they named it that. They're not that stupid. smiley - tongueout

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Post 196


But how would they know about it? We didn't figure it out properly til the 16th, 17th centuries, if memory serves...unless the Elves had really good medical facilities with micrsoscopes and CAT scans and things...

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Post 197

Cat-Eyes: No..... why.... ?

Maybe the wizards figured it out. Maybe some really good elf surgeons did it. Maybe it's just a movie... smiley - tongueout

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Post 198


when was that?

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Post 199

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

No, Uruks started to appear in Mordor well before the Nine left Minas Morgul. They're a sort of super-orcs.

U206198 btw.

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Post 200

AK - fancy that!


I thought the Uruks had the be bred?
Also, you don't have to know about the nervous system to know about twitching!

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