A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Donut Stall

Post 1


...by the special request of Joe aka Arnia. & I'm sure that somewhere on this planet it must be hot enough for people to want to be cooled...smiley - winkeye

So, get your donuts here!! smiley - smiley
Oooh I don't know what to choose whats on offer??! - go to the menu: http://www.h2g2.com/A254378
I still can't choose I still can't choose!! - have Eomando or me make you a surprise donut...smiley - smiley
I'm thirsty!! - drinks are supplied by the Aroma Café http://www.h2g2.com/A202924

Eat and enjoy now smiley - smiley


Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Donut Stall

Post 2

Demon Drawer

Ok in time honoured tradition I get here first and order an S3. smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Donut Stall

Post 3


Worryingly enough at the moment on my more posts page it says you posted that to the stall I minute before I did! smiley - bigeyes

*hands over S3*

And also in time honoured tradition, I will now find that I have to go so its

smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Donut Stall

Post 4

Demon Drawer

Comment about what so soon

Another time honoured tradition.

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Donut Stall

Post 5

Witty Moniker

Ooh, just missed Joanna. I hate when that happens.

Let's see... something chocolate, lots of chocolate. Soothes the nerves, reduces stress. There it is, Chocolate Supreme.

*Looks around for the optional chocolate sauce*

There it is!

*continues her stroll*

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Donut Stall

Post 6

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*Grabs an mhCHUD*

*Sounds of electronics beeping from behind sheet*

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Donut Stall

Post 7


*Gives the sheet a customary suspicious glance and picks up a breakfast JD.*

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Donut Stall

Post 8

Demon Drawer

Who's says we're bound by traditions. smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Doughnut Stall

Post 9


*Moans about updating links and asks for a honey doughnut*

I love the old traditions. smiley - smiley

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Doughnut Stall

Post 10

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*low hum gets louder*

*floors start to ripple*

*Pokes head out and sees floor*


*Head goes back behind the sheet*

*Humming goes back to its previous, relatively quiet, level*

*Floor solidifies again*

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 11

Lipsbury Pinfold (Part-time Timelord)

I'm wowed by your amazing selection, Joanna. Please may I have [cucumber wih salad cream]?

I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 12


Only if I can have a honey doughnut. smiley - winkeye

I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 13

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*A sudden roar of what sound like water comes from behind the sheet followed by a soft slurping*

*Wall opposite the sheet starts bulging out from the room and slowly twists into a vortex. The surface starts glowing blue-white and an eerie light emerges. A matching light comes from behind the sheet, seeping out of gaps*

*Joe grabs a chair and whisks it behind the sheet but before he has walked out of view, the chair shoots out of the vortex and lands by his feet*

*Sudden clap of inrushing air and the vortex snaps back into a normal wall*


That works, I am now proud to present *pulls sheet down* the TimeSlide! Our new connection with past, present, future, here, there and the other.

I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 14

Lipsbury Pinfold (Part-time Timelord)

If the salad cream is off I'll settle for mayo!

I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 15

Witty Moniker

Hi Joanna *but I think you're out at the moment*

*gets an MCG*

Cool, Joe. Whatz it do and howz it work?

Mt. Sandcastle's Hydrogen-cooled Donut Stall

Post 16

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Hi folks,

*helps herself to a Chocolate Supreme*
Witty M, where did you put the choc sauce? Ah, yes, I spotted it.

Joe, time sliding is a splendid idea - how far and how fast is it going?

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 17

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

I've been off h2g2 for too long...I've lost track of the donut stall for the first time since i've been here...! smiley - sadface

ah well...i'm sure the autopost will get me there sure enough...smiley - smiley

I *have* to have a donut!

Post 18

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

...and low & behold..it got me here...smiley - smiley

*hands over a cucumber & salad cream donut*

I'm really not too sure about that one..but.. erm...no...for now I'll give it a pass...otherwise I'd have one too...smiley - smiley

*hands over a honey donut to BB*

I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 19


Thanks Eomando. smiley - smiley

I *have* to have a doughnut!

Post 20

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

I knew you'd want one..somehow...i just knew it...smiley - winkeye

You're welcome, BB. smiley - smiley

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