A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach


Post 81


smiley - smiley *hands Kasia a chocolate supreme...*


Post 82

Red-shirted Extra

Er, Joe? Need any help, Sir?

*looks inconspicuous*


Post 83

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

Ah yes smiley - smiley

Can you take this quantum timer and snowczar and go through to the other side of the slide. There set the timer to activate the snowczar for precisely this time (gives the red shirt a datapad) at the gate. Wait there and we will be seeing you shortly.


Post 84

Demon Drawer

Post Race DN, Joanna your choice.

BTW I've added the log



Post 85

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Thanks, Joanna


Post 86


*hands over a GG to DD smiley - smiley*


Post 87

Red-shirted Extra

*takes quantum timer and snowczar through, & starts calibrating them & tapping on the datapad*


Post 88

Demon Drawer

As Joanna is telling you about her's here are Peet's which I am hosting.



Post 89


my but there are some awful pictures of me there...
*puts out two fudge/custard donuts*

Insane thoughts...

Post 90


I wonder what happens if I press the post button...

I *have* to test the autopost!

Post 91


I'm wowed by my amazing selection, me. Please may I have a chocolate supreme??

Insane thoughts...

Post 92

Demon Drawer

What post button?

Insane thoughts...

Post 93

Demon Drawer

Oh that post button. smiley - smiley

Yay! they both work...

Post 94


..well someone apparently autoposted to the old donut stall so I had to test the autoposts. smiley - smiley and they both work, so sommat wierd happened...

*eats chocolate supreme*

Yay! they both work...

Post 95

Demon Drawer

Well glad to hear it is all sorted, and if you think the pictures of you are bad check all the one's of me so far.

Insane thoughts...

Post 96

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*There is a shudder as the timeslide begins to flicker on and off. A squeal emerges from the hole in time as the fabric of the gate is torn. From the centre of the stall ghost images are seen. Us from a few minutes in the past standing around and talking while a redshirted man stands hunched over the snowczar which is firing at the gate*

*Second by second the ghosts seem to be catching us up except for the timer, ice gun, datapad and extra*

*Suddenly then and now become one again and the slide shuts down, spilling out Aendr's workbench from the F&F Servery*

*The redshirt screams as he is torn from reality by the lack of the true him in this one and he vanishes*

Insane thoughts...

Post 97

Red-shirted Extra

*is dead*

Insane thoughts...

Post 98

Demon Drawer

*The Donought stall starts to shake*

*the people shake but not in synch*

Insane thoughts...

Post 99

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*vibration dies down as the slide status panel goes to a green border*

The echoes have gone at least. Let that be a lesson, no sliding of HUDs or mhCHUDs. smiley - winkeye

Insane thoughts...

Post 100


Yes Joe.

*looks the teeniest bit meek*

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