A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Sitting poolside

Post 81

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Say "hi" to David Hasselhoff for us all!

Sitting poolside

Post 82

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

*Ieek* did he come back???
Irv... should it be possible that some coffee gets through those tunnels out here to keep us warm till it's time for that above mentioned midnight skinny dip??

Sitting poolside

Post 83

Roasted Amoeba

Urrrgghhh.... Never again will I make THAT mistake! Smelly old sewers...

*takes a leisurely swim as far away as he can get from the outlet plug*

Sitting poolside

Post 84


Well, what do you expect?
*Bluebottle now puts special amoeba-filters over the plugs to prevent it happening again.*
By the way, Katseyes, DH is in the sewer part of the waterworks.

Sitting poolside

Post 85


a midnight skinny dip? ooo can lifeguards join in? fabuloussmiley - smiley
bytheway- RA- i was a little worried id have to come over here and rescue YOU partnersmiley - winkeye

Sitting poolside

Post 86

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

What a mess that would have been!

Sitting poolside

Post 87

ReapeR (Weevium Mortus Eradicus)

*the empty corner suddenly becomes filled with a tall dark figure (I don't like to be disturbed while I'm sleeping so I stopped making the effort to be seen by you)*

*he then takes out a very small hour glass from the depths of his cloak, looks thoughtfully at it then at Roasted Amoeba, nods sagely and returns it from the depths from which it came.*

*the air takes on an icy chill and the dark figure smiles as he watches all the males looking to see how the females react*

You know, I think I'm getting the hang of this joking thingsmiley - winkeye

Sitting poolside

Post 88


Have a relaxing swim - it's good for you.

Sitting poolside

Post 89

ReapeR (Weevium Mortus Eradicus)

Thank you, I hope nobody minds seeing me in the nude as it were, there is literally nothing to see and it saves me having to get changed into swimming trunkssmiley - smiley

The only problem is my inability to splash anyone smiley - sadface Apart from when I belly flop into the water, that makes a good splash, see...

Ahhh, nothing like 7' of bone to make the water leave the pool!smiley - smiley

Sitting poolside

Post 90


If you regret not able to splash anyone, we've got these cool waterguns I saw in a swimming pool in Bracknell. They're like giant waterpistols, except bolted to this swivel post on an island in the middle of the fun pool, and you can swing it and point it whereever you wish, and pull the trigger and quite a cool jet of water sprays out to where you aim! With a couple of these islands in the pool, you can have quite a fun water-fight!
*Gets on the first island and starts shooting at ReapeR*

Sitting poolside

Post 91

Roasted Amoeba

Thanks for your concern, Saffire smiley - smiley And thanks for the filters, Bluebottle... there's too much discrimination against roasted amoebas in this world, so it's nice to see some people with political awareness.

I'm a little worried about ReapeR at the moment, to be honest. He seems to be acting slightly strange...

Sitting poolside

Post 92

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

what did you expect, RA - he tries to tan his bones on the beach smiley - winkeye ...

Sitting poolside

Post 93

Roasted Amoeba

Yes indeed... he really does look like death warmed up...

Heh heh. Heh. Erm... never mind.

Sitting poolside

Post 94

Venus in Blue

*Enters wearing a towel, and then takes towel off to reveal both a body and bikini to make Helena jealous*
That was a very bad joke, darling.

Sitting poolside

Post 95


Don't insult a customer, it's a bad idea.

Sitting poolside

Post 96


ah is this a battle of the beauties i sense coming on??????

Sitting poolside

Post 97

Venus in Blue

Not really a battle as I've won already.

Sitting poolside

Post 98


Let's not get nasty.

Sitting poolside

Post 99

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Venus in BLUE??? I think I can guess who's responsible for THIS!

Sitting poolside

Post 100


Oh, what's your theory? I think maybe Bluebelle or Bludragon. It's NOT me.

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