A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Sitting poolside

Post 61

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

It was laying on the pool decking, so I didn't eat it 'cause it got all soggy when Helena pushed Dr. E in. I'd love some fresh french toast! Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the French would call french toast? Just "le pain" (translation is: "the bread", not "the pain")?


Sitting poolside

Post 62

Mrs V

Helena takes the sign and sticks it up her top...come fetch then...

Sitting poolside

Post 63


Says who? Whose swimming pool is this, anyway? People are free to wear what they want!

Sitting poolside

Post 64

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

What are you doing? You're not entitled to touch that sign, it's council property!

Sitting poolside

Post 65

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

And that includes signs, if they so desire!

Sitting poolside

Post 66

Mrs V

Yes, thak you Blue, so if the council want their sign back they'll have to chase me!!

Sitting poolside

Post 67

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

that stuff doesn't exist in France, Irv, I know - I looked for it. Purely american invention, and I wouldn't know why it's called "french", just like with the kiss....

*dives into the pool for a quick refreshing swim before wandering dripping off to the kitchen again...*
where did I leave that apron... *exit Cook and soggy french toast*

Sitting poolside

Post 68

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Right, young lady, you leave me no option!
*starts to chase Helena around the poolside in comically speeded-up fashion, as the theme from the Benny Hill Show plays in the background*

Sitting poolside

Post 69


I never knew a swimming pool was such fun!

Sitting poolside

Post 70

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

*reemerges from hole*
iiiiiiiiIIIIIIiii..... *presses back to wall to save the fresh toast from being splashed by the wild hunt passing by*

erm... *wanders shyly over to Irv, all the while watching the interesting sight of a running Helena*

quite a view here, good you got rid of David Hasselhoff.... smiley - winkeye

Sitting poolside

Post 71

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Shouldn't there be someone yelling "no running around the pool!", though? Seems like someone might fall in... smiley - smiley


Sitting poolside

Post 72

Roasted Amoeba

Sniff... sniff... are you absolutely sure you didn't overdo the amount of chlorine in this water?

Sitting poolside

Post 73


I guess that's the job of one of the lifeguards. They work here in the pool too, you know.

Sitting poolside

Post 74

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

*whispers to Irv* no no no no! If those... erm, you know what... fall into the water we wont be able to watch'em hopping... hush!
*blushes a deep crimson*

Sitting poolside

Post 75


It's safe... No-one's trying to poison you, and we have a nice corner where you can erect a bomb-shelter if you still feel everyone's trying to kill you.

Sitting poolside

Post 76

Roasted Amoeba

No, no, it's quite all right. I've got over that paranoia now. I intend to enjoy my swim...

*launches himself into the water, and promptly gets sucked down the exit plug*

Aaarrrgghhh!!! Where does this pipe go? Not to the sewers, surely? Please say no... PLEASE say no...

Sitting poolside

Post 77

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)


Sitting poolside

Post 78


See you in the sewers!

Sitting poolside

Post 79

Roasted Amoeba

I knew it! I KNEW it! This is all a conspiracy! A CONSPIRACY I tell you!

I'll be back...

Sitting poolside

Post 80


There's paranoid, and there's Roasted Amoeba....

Don't worry - the water's perfectly safe for anyone LARGER than microscopic size.

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