A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Sitting poolside

Post 41

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Of course the holes are open, they wouldn't be holes otherwise, would they?

Sitting poolside

Post 42

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I seem to have caused an extra hole. When I said "Staff Only", I meant it was for the Pool and Café staff to use to bring drinks and goodies, and chlorine or whatever. Do ACEs count as "Staff"? We're volunteers!


Sitting poolside

Post 43

Mrs V

That Bill Odie gets everywhere!!

Sitting poolside

Post 44

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Um... this is a carry over from The Brain's forum, right?

Sitting poolside

Post 45

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

*wanders out of one of the holes*
Great, you managed to knock in one of the kitchen walls, too... has anyone here ordered that french toast here?

*puts french toast down and starts absentmindedly to undress*

*realises she's forgotten her bathing suit, grabs apron and rushes off through the hole again*

Sitting poolside

Post 46

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*eyes get all big*

*innocently* I'll take some french toast, please.


Sitting poolside

Post 47

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Do you mind? This is a respectable establishment!
*looks around him*
Sorry, I don't know why I said that - I must be thinking of somewhere else.

Sitting poolside

Post 48

Mrs V

Hmmm, that gives me an Idea, whose for midnight skinny dip then?? Helena slips out of her uniform again, lays it over one of the loungers (From which she'd borrowed the towel of the person who thought they would bag it...) And has another couple of laps whilst its still nice out.

Sitting poolside

Post 49

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

Beaker nervously sidles in with his new lilo...

It's only my second time by the pool, but if its respectable here I don't know if it's worth my while staying...

Sitting poolside

Post 50

Mrs V

Play with me uncle beaker??

Sitting poolside

Post 51

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

It's not TOO respectable. If you want, there's a café next door with a live statue who tends to choose... revealing poses.


Sitting poolside

Post 52

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

Ok H!!!

But we can only play with the lilo in the leisure pool....

* SPLASH!!!! *

Sitting poolside

Post 53

Mrs V

Hey, and a waitress who will remove her uniform at a moments notice, but even when its on it doesn't cover much!!

Sitting poolside

Post 54

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

What's this? Mixed bathing? That's not very wholesome, is it? And I've never seen so many semi-naked people! You may all call it "swimming", but I call it FILTH!!!

Sitting poolside

Post 55

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

I call it the breaststroke!! (Smirk)

Now there's a thought... Um... Helena??

Sitting poolside

Post 56

Mrs V

Liar, i know what you really think (but she pushes him in the pool anyway, whilst jumping in herself...)

Sitting poolside

Post 57

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*splashes around in a panic, before standing up and realising that the water is only 3 feet deep*
You might have let me change into my swimming costume first.

Sitting poolside

Post 58

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

No, no, that would habe been to revealing and would have compromised your morals. We wouldn't want that!


Sitting poolside

Post 59

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

*peeks out of the hole in something which might go under the name of bathing suit somewhere*
breaststroke? You'd need water for that, Beaker ...
*pushes him in after Helena, grinning mischieviously*
*sits down poolside*
Irv, did you eat that French toast, or should I take it to the sewer and make some fresh sometimes?

Sitting poolside

Post 60

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh yes - good point.
*climbs out of pool, squelches over to wall and erects a sign saying "Patrons are requested to remain fully dressed at all times."*

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