A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Sitting Poolside

Post 241

ReapeR (Weevium Mortus Eradicus)


Sitting Poolside

Post 242


It's only 1:37pm here...

Sitting Poolside

Post 243

Venus in spirit

EEeeeww, keep that water cannon away from me. Swimming pool water dries up my skin.
(Sets up deckchair beside the pool and relaxs, dozing off, unaware that her revealing bikini is distracting the lads somewhat)

Sitting Poolside

Post 244


Oh dear. Well, welcome to the pool, my Venii friend. At the moment there is a truce - but it is apparently my destiny to hate you after New Year. I'm suer you understand what a burden it is smiley - sadface

Sitting Poolside

Post 245

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Hooray! Another Venus!

You may or may not have heard that I am working on a campaign to ban swimming costumes. DOWN WITH THE SWIMMING COSTUMES!
I would be obliged if you co-operated.

Sitting Poolside

Post 246


It seems that not many people are that fond of removing swimming costumes - we'll have to wait until after the bikini competition for that, I think.

If you want to enter - hurry!

Sitting Poolside

Post 247


im confused - is there more than one venus?
and hey how is the competition going?
more importantly - any studly male contestants i could set my eyes on?smiley - winkeye

Sitting Poolside

Post 248


*wonders in from the hole to the cafe and sets up a sun lounger next to the pool and lies down on it*
ahh this is the life smiley - smiley

Sitting Poolside

Post 249


The bikini competition is at:
Everyone make sure you go there to see if you're in it or not!

Sitting Poolside

Post 250

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

At last! The H.R.A.S.C. homepage is up and running! Join up today
and make h2g2's bathing areas a safer place!

Sitting Poolside

Post 251


Hello? No one seems to be at the pool today. And there's no lifeguard on duty! Do I dare take a swim? Are there sharks iin there? There really should be a lifeguard on duty at all times!

Sitting Poolside

Post 252


*runs in from the tunnels*

Sorry got side tracked. Wow there really isn't anyone here? Well let's check for Sharks.

*peers into pool*

Looks okay, it must be the lack of swimming apparel smiley - smiley If you feel like swimming I'll make sure you don't drown, or get molested by Sharks.

Courtesy the brave

Sitting Poolside

Post 253

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

It depends what your wearing, just don't provoke the sharks by wearing anything.

Sitting Poolside

Post 254


I appreciate the offer, oh brave one. Think I'll go work oon my home page for a while, though. If you enjoy bad poetry, or write any of your own, stop by!
*heads for the tunnels*
See you at the beach later! smiley - smiley

Sitting Poolside

Post 255


As a loyal member of HRASC the only suit I'm wearing is my Birthday Suit smiley - smiley

However, I'm a little miffed by the lack of lifeguards smiley - smiley


Sitting Poolside

Post 256

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

In my capacity as official beach lifeguard, I'm sure I can be a pool lifeguard as well.

*climbs the big stepladder-with-a-chair-on-top contraption for pool lifeguards and sits on top, twirling his whistle*

Sitting Poolside

Post 257


*jumps in pool and splashes about. Realizes that splashing in a pool is much more fun when people are splashing with you, get's out and heads for the beach*

Sitting Poolside

Post 258

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)


*points accusingly at Courtesy*

I'm getting good at this.

Sitting Poolside

Post 259


*looks around ... notices lifeguard on duty .... ... runs around pool then jumps into the pool right in front of the Life Guard seat*

*splash, splash, splash*

smiley - smiley

Sitting Poolside

Post 260


im a lifeguard and HERE I AM!smiley - smiley
here to save anybody
so what hrasc?

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