A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Kamino

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 81


*Imperial Shuttle/X-wing hybrid lands on a platform*

*A dark figure hops out and snarls at the weather before walking down a gantry toward the capital.*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 82

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)


Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 83


< No-one to meet? >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 84

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 85

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The retribution lands and ma'rol, closely followed by his castellans, head for tipoca - ignoring the lashing storms, looking clearly used to them*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 86


*Geddon watches from different gantry*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 87


*decides what options are since the clone hasn't brought the ornament*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 88


*hides presence*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 89


*watches Marol and laughs*

*pulls up hood to hide face and Force speeds across a gantry making splashes with each footstep*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 90

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*A security camera notices the movement, and a few seconds later, a hand ful of guards come out and open fire*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 91


*speeds up and dives off side, landing with a spin then weaves toward the guards...*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 92

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*Guards fire randomly, desperate to get the attacker*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 93


*Geddon continues to charge but ignites golden red lightsaber, deflecting bolts and getting closer*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 94

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*Security guards form up into solid firing line and open fire with efficientcy only possible from clones*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 95


*Does severe Force push and deflects bolts back at guards with a laugh*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 96


*Does severe Force push and deflects bolts back with saber at guards with a laugh*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 97

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*A few guards fly off the platform, some die from deflected bolts, and one dies from the full impact of the push as he hits a wall*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 98

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*With a flurry of purple lightsabres and a single white one, the castellans and Ma'rol march out of the door of a nearby gantry*

THERE HE IS! stay with me, prepare for attack!

*The castellans form up into a solid wall of armour and sabre. some security guards follow them out. Ma'rol thinks..*
Wheres the prime minister? Whos guarding the prime minister?

*The security look at each other. Ma'rol looks worried as he sees a gantry leading straight to the PM's office, and realises no one will make it in time if the attacker tries to go for it*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 99


*runs down a few more guards and heads for the 'PM gantry' watching where Marol is looking and leaps, turning in the air to watch the sword kin*

*lands on feet and keeps running. Looks at La'roo and does severe Force Grip on her but the concentration on speed and deflects make it almost impossible as a lethal blow.*

*deactivates saber and jumps, using barrier to flip onto higher gantry*

*rushes toward PM's office...*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 100


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