A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Kamino

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 21


< *two droids plop out*

The ambassodor has them at all of his receptions. >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 22

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*More troopers stand ready behind the door*

As a sith, you will aware of dealings in the past. You will also know that we have met your challenge every time. How many times do you think ive been cloned.

But that is beside the point. If you contact Ma'rol, and have him come here in person and verify your identity, then i will gladly give you a tour of our facilities. Until that time however..

*The ARC's load there rifles as La'roo quickly enters Topica, with the door sealing tight defind her*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 23

Secretly Not Here Any More

*walks back to the Interceptor, out of sight of the troopers and changes into Jedi gear*

*pulls maglock and wire from his belt and dives off of the side of the gantry*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 24

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The film is sent to the jedi council, with an urgent message for aid*

*The troopers swarm around Kamino, as it is hastily sealed shut*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 25


< That's way it's gantrIES... they are your lower levels! >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 26

Secretly Not Here Any More

*listens to Troopers talking and abseils to a lower landing pad*

*waits for a while, smokes a cigarra and swigs from his canteen*

*walks to a commlink*

\/\This is Jedi Knight Annat Tayswi, I believe you requested aid/\/

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 27

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*two guards convers*

one: That signals coming from outside.

two: Ignore it.

*Other guards stand ready*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 28


< Ancha's on the way! >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 29

Secretly Not Here Any More

\/\I believe you have sent a request for aid to Yavin IV? My name is Jedi Knight Annat Tayswi, my partner Ancha Theri will be rejoining me shortly./\/

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 30


< Surely it would have been easier to TELL Ancha when he gets here and... YOU DON'T NOW HE'S COMING RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Force Shield. No telepathy entering or exiting--- no spying! >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 31


*rains more heavily*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 32

Secretly Not Here Any More

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 33

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

*... and enters Kamino orbit.*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 34

Secretly Not Here Any More

*pulls out an aquabreather , puts it into his mouth and jumps off the side of the gantry*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 35


< the force shield is on Yavin 4 to prevent telepathy entering/exiting.

*watches Annat drown* >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 36

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

La'roo:\/\/\ We have no proof of that, and therefore until we have contact with Ambassador Mannan you will leave these premisses or you will cause an inter-galatical incident with the jedi. Ambassador Ma'rol is due to receive a shipment of troopes next month to protect his embassy, which he ordered shortly after a knight to the name of Tyswi accused him of being a darksider.
Now, if you wish to visit Kamino you will do so under the proper official chanels and not through turning up here unannounced.

We have had bad dealings with the sith in the past, and i ask you to respect the feelings of the people of Kamino and leave our homeworld for today or suffer the concequences/\/\/

*The troopers stand down as the base gets sealed for the day*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 37


< And it was Puppet that gave the order! Answering the Kamino plea!>

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 38

Secretly Not Here Any More

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 39


< You can't seal off a capital city for the day! >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 40

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

*TARABENA swoops down and lands by Annat's ship.*

\/\Kamino Control, I am Ancha Theri, Jedi Knight. I understand you have a Sith problem. Do you wish me to remove it?\/\/

*Uses Force to search for Annat.*

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