A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Kamino


Post 261

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Arrogance does too. But this is neither the time or place for this discussion, when we get back to Yavin. Right now we need to find the holding cells.


Post 262

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

they will be near the city center...
there is no where else to put them really....


Post 263

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Then let's go.
*motions Enlen and her padawans to follow him*


Post 264

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!


Post 265

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!



Post 266

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!

<smiley - nahnah>


Post 267


<*prods Lorelei with the productive streak*>


Post 268

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!


Post 269


*splish splish goes the water outside*


Post 270

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!


Post 271



Post 272

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!


Post 273

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

*Mihar wanders about, looking for some legislative or administrative center/buildings, noticing both the prime ministers office and the holding cells/jail. He decides to try the prime minister's office first*

smiley - cheers

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