A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Kamino


Post 181

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(


Post 182

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes


Post 183

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

<smiley - nahnah I'm just a lazy bugger who gets lost enough inside my own mind let alone a thing like this! smiley - laugh>


Post 184

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes


Post 185

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(


Post 186

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes


Post 187

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes


Post 188

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes



Post 189

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(


Post 190

Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F1695393?thread=683843&post=7494412#p7494412 >


Post 191

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes


Post 192

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*walks out of the priministers office and waits for her padwan*


this is going to be a long wait...


Post 193

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*Pamun walks out and waits, unusually quiet*


Post 194


*Walks over to Pamun, and tilts her head enquiringly.*

You alright?


Post 195

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

so younglings,
have you learnt anything?

and more importantly do you think we will see that piolet again?


Post 196

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

We will. I've seen that lightsaber before.


Post 197

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!


smiley - biggrin
how many people with lightsabers or other jedi do you know outwith the academy?


Post 198

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

That lightsaber belonged to a Jedi Knight named Nava'ido, I'd recognise it anywhere. She died on Coruscant and I assumed she'd been killed by a Sith. I'm starting to think I may have been wrong.


Post 199

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

not all darksiders take the lightsaber as a talisman....
others prefer.... more.... grusome prises....

take my word for it.

he could just have happened to come across it... such things have happened before...

but lets not take that bet


Post 200

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

Either way I don't like it. Nava'ido taught me just about everything I know. It's not right that something that represents so much of what she was should just fall into the hands of someone like that. It's too random.


Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. What should we do about the celebrations?

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