A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Kamino

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 61

Secretly Not Here Any More

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 62


< i said not to go to Tatooine 'cause you think Keezo is there.

It's this magic knowledge that I have a problem with AND the Psycorp/AD tale of closing off all option to get a job done when around each other.

You're allowed to fail sometimes!

The jedi aren't all knowing magic beings that are indestructable.

Has Annat/Fett got a radio link? If not , then it's you're own fault you've got nothing to go on. >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 63

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The comm link opens*

guard: \/\/\ Hello? identify yourself /\/\/

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 64


*Tipoca returns to neutral position- locking system ends*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 65

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 66

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The Retribution lands and the droids carry Ma'rol's equipment to his room. Ma'rol beckons for p-306 to follow*

Activate the sheilds before you get off

*Walks to his room*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 67

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The doors open and a guard walks out and bows*

guard: Jedi knight Ancha, we have been ordered to give you an escort to ambassador Ma'rols audience room. He wishes to talk to you about the Sith presence on Kamino amongst other things

*They stand around him and will follow him when he moves*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 68

Secretly Not Here Any More

~~May the Force be with you Ancha, this is your assignment now, I staged the Sith attack to see if they'd ask for Jedi aid. Should you need help, contact myself or Co'bal.~~

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 69

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

~~Annat, understood (I think). I'll just play it by ear and see what happens smiley - cheers ~~

*Ancha looks round at the guard(s).*

Take me to you leader.

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 70

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

*Ancha and the guard(s) enter the facility and head for the Audience Room in the Ambassador's quarters.*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 71

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

*Ancha returns to TARABENA, climbs in and blasts off.*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 72

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The three commanders, followed by there men (49 each) halt as two enginneers walk towards them carrying the box with the remains of p-306*

Blue commander: Are the modifications complete?
Enginneer 1: No, we could only make it carry a hundred men
Yellow commander: Whats that box?
Enginneer 2: Ambassadors orders

*The commanders nod, then with the troops, blue commander and yellow commander board the retribution. Green commander and his 49 men run back to assist red leader*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 73

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*Some kaminoans walk towards the retirbution, carrying crates of uniforms for the arcs*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 74


*rain pours*

< *does rain arm actions* >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 75

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*Steps out on the gantries and stares up at the black and stormy sky, before wrapping his robes tighter around him and heading off to board the retribution*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 76


< .... >

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 77

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The retribution lifts off into space, carrying ma'rol and his personal bodyguard of 100 arc's*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 78

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*In the sky above tipoca, the huge form of the Hammerhead lands on pad beta. A large boarding ramp drops down, awaiting the troops*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 79

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The troops stream out of tipoca's main centre and board the hammerhead. The gunships fly into there carrier, and the tanks and artillary head for there holding bay. The troops head to there barracks and the army prepares the ship ready for action*

Tipoca Landing Pads and Gantries

Post 80

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

*The troops finish boarding and the huge form of the hammerhead assends into space*

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