A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 621

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

*quite unable to stay serious beneath his paper*

Chineese you say? Okay.


"The world today seems absolutely crackers
With nuclear bombs to blow us all sky high
There's fools and idiots sitting on the triggers
It's stupid
and it's senseless
and that's why

I like Chineese
I like Chineese
They only come up to your knees
Yet they're always friendly
and ready to please

I like Chineese thought
The wisdom that Confusious taught
Think of the many things they've done to impress
There's maoism, taoism, ye-ching and chess

I like Chineese
I like Chineese
They come from long way underneath
Yet they're wise, and they're witty
and they're ready to please"

*bows for applause, realizes his attempt at stealing Joe's moment was unpopular with the crowd, hides beneath paper again*

They're just annoyed I used an old song. They probably think I don't know the Chineese has nukes themself...

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 622

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

You a Jørn Hoel-fan, JAR?

personally, I'd go for this

"Life it seems will fade away
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, noone else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free"

A bit on the depressive side, maybe, but this was the one that sprung to mind. Not that I'm depressed or anything.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 623

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*starts singing some Beautiful South*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 624



Afternoon folks, or whatever it may be...

IIEM, double latte please.

One-Eye, what was that you were singing a moment ago? "Life it seems will fade away" something? I seem to recognize it but I can't remember from where...

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 625

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Hi Freedom!smiley - smiley

It was Metallica/Fade to Black, from the album Ride the Lightning

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 626

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

One-eye: You just take it easy. We'll have none of those "Jørn Hoel fan"-accusations here or I might have to whip out some silk gloves and slap your face... smiley - winkeye Actually I'm more of the Tool/Perfect Cirlce/Nine Ince Nails kind of guy. Not that it matters really, it's all aestethics and emotions. And that's personal.

Favourite lyrics.... Right now it might be

" ....
*don't remember opening, sorry*
It's hard not to feel just a little bit
and passed over
When look right through
I see you naked but oblivious
And you don't

Well I threw you the obvious
Just to see
if there's more behind
the eyes of a fallen angel
eyes of a tragedy
And here I am expecting just a little bit
too much from
the wounded
But I see, I see throught it all
I see through, I see through!

And I through you the obviouss
too see
if there's more behind
the eyes
of the fallen angel
eyes of a tragedy...

oh, well
appearantly nothing
appearantly nothing at all"

I kind of know that situation. smiley - sadface


Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 627

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

LOLsmiley - smiley
I wasn't expecting you to be a Jørn Hoel-fan, just had to ask..

Can't say that I'm very familiar with the bands you mentioned, but both Tool and Nine Inch Nails are on my list of "bands to check out"

Coffee please, IIEM


Post 628

Titania (gone for lunch)

This post has been removed.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 629


*Slaps forehead*

Metallica! Of course! How could I forget?
Must've not had enough coffee. IIEM, some more please smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 630


*stirs slowly and realises she has been staring at an empty cup of coffee for the last 4 hours*

IIEM-coffee please, black one sugar.

My all time favourite lyrics:

"Most of my friends were strangers 'till I met them..."

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 631


That's nice smiley - smiley

I like: "Daybreak is beautifully broken..."
but I can't remember who wrote it at the mo smiley - sadface

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 632


One that makes me smile:

'In the morning when I wake up,
I look like Kiss but without the make-up'

Robbie Williams

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 633


No NO! They are my favourite lyrics cos they are so daft. Clearly everyone is a stranger until you meet them, not just friends. "most of my co-workers, boyfriends, casual aquaintances, enemies were strangers til i met them" people should be shot before they get to release songs like that.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 634


Sorry *very small voice indeed* didn't mean to shout, but people do look at me in blank incomprehension when I rant about it sometime. The lyrics are by Bros, by the way so you can see how long it has been bothering me. Sorry, sorry, sorry....

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 635


Bros...Says it all really smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 636

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

indeed...smiley - smiley

My favourite passage (seriously)is by Morphine:

"I propose a toast
to my selfcontrol
You see it crawling
helpless on the floor"


Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 637

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

I'm off! 's been nice talking to y'all! smiley - smiley

See ya!

*runs off*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 638

The Man On The Flaming Pie

But we always came back to the song we were singing
At any particular time
Yeah, we always came back to the song we were singing
At any particular time.

(The Song We Were Singing - Flaming Pie)

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 639


Yep, that's me done too.

*Follows one-eye out of the door.*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 640


Question: I guess it is possible to like a song with naff lyics but great music, but is it possible to like a song with great lyrics and terrible music? And do the greatest songs have to have both?

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