A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 41


Hi oneeye smiley - smiley
It's probably best to keep the politics elsewhwere, Løøny.
I have no idea of what the candidates stand for, so I guess I'm not voting.
I am what we call in Norway "a sofa-voter" Whitch means I couldn't care less about who's running the country as long as I can watch my soap-operas. (I'm not like that IRL, so this is a nice change!)

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 42

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Excellent BB. I like contrary people. I think.

If you and one-eye really want to find out about the election, just follow the scandal and rumours threads from the h2g2 Post home page.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 43


Scandal and rumours 'eh! Maybe I should give it a try....
On the other hand; I am also a Lazy B*****d smiley - tongueout
(but oh, the temptation) A little peek won't hurt...

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 44


City are back in the premiership!!!


IIEM, strong black coffee, please.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 45

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Another coffee for me, IIEM!

I'm a bit excited today. I'm going to look at a new apartment. Don't think I'll get it, though. There are ca. 30 other people who want it too!

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 46


wow thats popular! smiley - bigeyes I take it its really nice...

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 47


*Washes up, hasn't read the weekend backlog, but puts the v/_\3 on for cups of tea*
If I missed pouring anyone a cuppa, I apologise, but I wasn't here.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 48

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

I don't even know how the standard is, but I do know that the housing-market here has gone totally crazy. People pay obscene amounts of money for the tiniest flats! Guess this one is so popular coz' it wasn't all that expensive (in the ad in the paper).

And Bb, I'd very thankfull if I could have a cup'o'tea?

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 49


*Pours c)_( for One-eye* smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 50

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi BB, could I have a c)_( too?smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 51


Of course Titania - here c)_( smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 52


We have to do something about this BB-thing!
People call us both BB, whaen they should know that BB is short for Bluebottle and
Bumble or Bee or even B is short for Bumblebee! How hard can this be (!)
Is that garlic tea?

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 53

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*sips high-quality tea*

I agree, be. How hard can it Bee? smiley - tongueout

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 54


Well, as far as I can tell, Bumblebee, your signature was always
whilst mine was
so as you sign your name with one B and I with two, it should be quite easy to seperate us... Oh well, c'est la vie with a cup of tea.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 55


And you can have garlic tea if you wish! smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 56


Signing, yes, good idea, forgets to do that don't I ?
Good tea...


Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 57


*stomps in, totally sick of hearing pre-olympic hype. Gratefully accepts a mug of steaming hot coffee. Sips, and relaxes.*

Ahhhhhh. Oy vay!
smiley - smiley

*Makes a move on backgammon board. Ook's clearly in front, but I will win. Oh yes indeedy. smiley - winkeye*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 58

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi Wowbagger!smiley - smiley Mind if I watch the game?

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 59


I tried to learn how to play backgammon once.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 60


I symlposted with an elven-queen. Does that bring luck?
smiley - smiley

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