A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 21


ooh exciting.. i'd love to do that...smiley - smiley

Commonwealth games hit Manchester in 2002. I plan not to be in the vicinity if at all possible smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 22


You want to do the same as up in St Andrews for the golf....
rent out your house/flat for extortionate sums of money

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 23


lol smiley - smiley they're spending £10 million on the opening ceremony...

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 24


Manchester could hire the Milennium dome for the summer
Bet they'd get a good discount.....

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 25


LoL now ~there's~ and interesting thought... smiley - bigeyes
Would they transfer it in one piece or bits??

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 26

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

G'morning all.

Whoever gets the umbrella franchise in Manchester should make a lot of money...

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 27

Witty Moniker

Hi eatsmice and Joanna.

IIEM: Kona to go, please.

Can't stay right now. Have a nice evening.

*picks up coffee and leaves*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 28


hehe - knowing our weather it'll be too windy, just to be spitefull...

mind you, the dome looks like an oversized brolly...

(and, for the record, it rains more in Cardiff than Manchester. It does. No really. I promise!)

Anticoffee please, IIEM...


Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 29

Witty Moniker

*waves hi and bye to Looney*

Mornin', Looney!

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 30


Hey there Witty

Last Kenyan of the night for me please IIEM

Now why couldn't the Dome become a football stadium??

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 31

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

First of all you would require a decent football team...

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 32


Evening all.

And the football season's just starting in this corner of the world again.

IIEM, an Earl Grey. please...extra Bergamot.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 33

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Live on NZ Tv overnight. Manchester United 2 v Newcastle 0. Excellent game.

I'm backing Chelsea - now there's a team that could use the Dome. Up the Blues - go you good things go.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 34


Løønytunes (if you're still here) What happened to Redbeard? Theres no chance I'm going to read all the backlog!
IIEM, tea please, the usual.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 35

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

G'day BB. Hope ypu are feeling better smiley - bigeyes

Redbeard is busy IRL. Interviewing a lot of potential drama queens for some theatrical productions he is either producing or directing. He is also learning how to play some obscure skiffle-band instrument - a washboard I think.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 36

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual v.e.l.manner*

G'morning all!smiley - smiley

IIEM, un café mélange, s'il vous plait!

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 37


Sounds like he's having fun smiley - smiley
And then he was framed? what's that all about?
And I'm much better, thank you. I'm back at w***. Not doing anything though.
smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 38

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

G'day Titanaia or g'night as it is in Xenaland.

BB, the framing concerns the h2g2 virtual president campaign. Alas, we can't discuss it here. The Aroma cafe is neutral territory.

Have you joined up to Lil's new off-site mailing list yet?

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 39

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Good mornin' all good people! smiley - smiley

Coffee please IIEM!

Not doing anything at work Bumble? Everythings quite normal then! smiley - tongueout

I've been wondering 'bout that bit with redbeard being framed myself. What's the story?

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 40

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Ups.. a bit of simulposting there

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