A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 361

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Well, I'm off to enjoy what promises to be an excellent weekend!!smiley - smiley

See y'all on monday!



Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 362


*Waves at one-eye's retreating back.*

Have a good one smiley - smiley.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 363

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

*stumbles into One-Eye on his way out*

Oh, sorrry uhm... eh, well..

*enters the café looking slightly befuddled*

Uhm, hello.

Do you sell pretzels here?


Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 364


I'm not really sure. I'm only a customer myself, but if you need coffee just ask the IIEM (Infinite Improbability Espresso Machine) for what you want smiley - smiley.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 365


Hi JAR, welcome to the café!

Since none of the staff are around at the moment, try the IIEM. It can usually get you anything you'd like. Like this:

IIEM, can I have another latte please?
*IIEM promptly produces a large, steaming cup topped with froth*
Thank you so much.

Now you try it smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 366


*hurries in, dodging w**k*

Hello, everyone! IIEM, I need a large espresso, please! Thanks...

*goes to empty table by open window on the forest side*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 367

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*Irving, exhausted after an RL open mic night at an RL coffee house last night, but unable to sleep because of the unmitigated sun streaming in through his bedroom window, enters the café with a large box under his arm. He unpacks it and sits it next to the IIEM. It is one of those hot pretzel display cases you see in movie theatres and some cafeterias with the exception that the pretzels in this display case will always be fresh. He insures this by plugging the case not into the wall socket, but directly into the IIEM. The warm pretzels begin turning around inticingly (sp?)

He then writes a note and afixes it to the IIEM, after which he exits*

NOTE: Irving has been called back for an audition this morning and has absolutely no idea how long it will take. He plans to return sometime this afternoon. In the meantime, have a pretzel.

~The Management

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 368


*wonders what Irv performed at the open mike*

*helps self to pretzel*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 369


*Has a pretzel*

*Has another pretzel*

*Sits down with today's paper and flips to the crossword*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 370

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*enters through back porch*
Morning y'all!
IIEM, an A L Special please. Ook, you hungry?
Ook: Ook! *overarms along rafter to counter and drops down next to IIEM*

IIEM, an Ook special please.
*Ook takes fruit and melon and three-arms out onto the porch, while Lil sits down at her favourite table with the International Herald Trib*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 371


IIEM, lemonade please smiley - smiley

*takes |_| to sit out in Forrest 'cause its such a lovely day*

smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 372


Morning Lil smiley - smiley, you just missed Irv installing the new pretzel machine.

Another double espresso please IIEM.

*Collects coffee and a pretzel.*

Mmmmm, good.

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 373


*sighs and puts the paper down*

This crossword is way too hard. Anyway, I'd better get going. IIEM, coffee to go please.

Bye everyone, have a nice weekend!

*Exits, wishing Lil a nice weekend on the way out smiley - smiley*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 374


Hi, Lil, BS...

*thinks of joining Joanna outside*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 375

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hallo, BluesSlider! Bye, Freedom.

We'll have to take a bunch of pretzels out to the campfire site. Did you know Quorthon is telling us all a saga? Check this forum for the Blood on Ice thread.

*goes over to pretzel case and, fetching a tray from under the counter, piles it up with pretzels and goes out the back door, heading for the faintly marked new trail*

I'll be back soon!

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 376


*waves at Lil as she walks by*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 377

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*returns tray-less*

Oh, hi Joanna! Didn't see you in your dimly-lit corner!
*settles back down at her table*
I wonder if the floor plan of this place could handle booths?

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 378


*sips coffee, munches pretzel*

Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 379


*Stubs out last cigarette and drains cup.*

Right guys, your working day may just be beginning but mine is coming to a close.

Catch you after the weekend, have a good one smiley - smiley.


Aroma Cafe: Aroma Cafe

Post 380


Have a good weekend BS!

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