A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 101

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Thanks, ox!

That's one of the wonderful things about this place. I've met so many interesting people that I've been able to learn from, while having fun discussions. smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 102


And I need to make an apology to Loony for referring to an excellent Merlot I enjoyed some time ago as Australian, when it was in fact from New Zealand. My foot is still in my mouth.

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 103


I agree, RB. H2g2 is becoming the catalyst for my learning to do more than sit in front of my screen and bill my customers and occasionally surf.

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 104

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Uh, oh! Big mistake there! smiley - bigeyes

Løøny sure knows how to describe wines. It's almost poetry.

IIEM, RBB please. *Grabs a goo donut as well.*

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 105


* jingelingling*
A caffe latte to go please, and if you have copy of the menue, thank you.


Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 106

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Hi Bumblebee!

I think Lil's busy with the crosswords, but the IIEM (Infinitely Improbably Espresso Machine) can take care of your needs.

IIEM, caffe latte to go
*hands coffee to Bumblebee*

We don't really have a menu here, but there's a nice selection of donuts here... We have goo and alabaster donuts today as well... I just had a goo one and it was pretty good. The Uncertainty Donuts can be great as well (although they vary), and if there is some other pastry you'd like, the IIEM can probably handle it.

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 107

Demon Drawer

*DD fianlly has time to settle down for a good cup of Kenyan Tea*

Ah!!! Busy day how is everyone.

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 108

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Great to see you, DD!
We've got a few people here enjoying a nice Sunday afternoon.

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 109


Indeed, the company is excellent. Hi, DD, Bumblebee. IIEM-Kenya AA for me, please.

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 110

Demon Drawer

Yep. It was nice just I had to do a little writing updating a news article. smiley - sadface

Sadly one of the subjects of a recent post article had a fatal accident in a race this afternoon.

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 111


Sorry to hear theat DD. Who was it?

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 112

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual v.e.l.-manner*

Hi all! smiley - smiley

IIEM: caffe latte, please, and an Uncertainty Donut..

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 113

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*looks up from the crossword in which she has been engrossed*
Gosh, the place filled up while I was trying to think of a word ... hi Redbeard and ox and bumblebee and DD. DD was it an automobile race? I would take it just as hard if you said a horse had been killed, though.

Redbeard, I painted a sewer monster for Bluebottle this afternoon, but am thinking of posting it briefly for the expedition, to give us all an idea of the sort of thing we may come up against. Thinking up one monster tired me out. Bluebottle wanted a bunch of them! Maybe I can think of another tomorrow.

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 114


Hi,Lil, Titania-sewer monsters! Sounds serious!

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 115

Barney's Bucksaws

Hello, Redbeard. "Heavy Games" are really called Games of Brawn. What have come down to games, were actually ways the ancient Scots practised things they would use in battle. Tossing the Caber is when some huge man in a kilt lifts a pole several feet long and balances it against himself, runs and pitches it upward and forward. The winner has it land at 12:00 - directly in front of him after its turned end over end. Great for creating something to climb over a wall. Putting the Steen (?) not sure of the spelling - lifting a stone of 20 or more pounds to your shoulder like a shot-put, and hurling it for distance - for breaching walls, I suppose.They also toss steel balls on chains and steel hammers for distance. There's a sheaf toss - a bundle of straw in a sack is picked up on a pitch-fork and tossed over a high bar. That technique would simulate tossing burning straw over walls. We watched them at 24 feet high. The most fun is the Farmer's Walk - for a prize of a bottle of the Famous Grouse - pieces of railway track - 3 pieces about 18 or 20 inches long welded together with a handle welded on top - one on each hand carried for distance.

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 116

Demon Drawer

Nope it was Motorcycles. Joey Dunlop was killed in a race in Estonia on a Road Race circuit. smiley - sadface

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 117

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Whoa... had to find my way back here. Had a little mini-quake or something.

Barney, those are 'heavy' games, indeed! Sounds fascinating to watch, but I think I'll stick to light games! smiley - smiley

DD, sorry to hear about the accident.

Lil, I'd love to see the monster! Do you have it up yet? I've been playing with celery and jello smiley - winkeye ... not quite the same level as monsters!

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 118


Very sorry to hear about Dunlop.
RB, I don't know; if it was Odra's jello you'd better beware!

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 119

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Don't worry, ox. Just doing some graphic work. I'm leaving Odra's jello at GLI until it's been rehabilitated. smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe Sat-Sun 1-2 July 2000

Post 120

Demon Drawer

Ok that's the article sorted out finally.

Now any tea being brewed around here. I don't trust that IIEM machine.

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