A Conversation for The Café

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 441

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Irv, are you feeling any better?

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 442

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Dylan] I'm not. I have a headache; I stayed up a couple hours later than I expected ... Getting to the Good Bit at the end of Pratchett's latest book, Making Money, will do that ...

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 443

Irving Washington

I haven't figured out if I'm feeling better yet.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 444

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

On a scale of 1 to 10, then, Irv. How are you feeling? smiley - silly

Dylan, now you've reminded me of that old Python animation of the fellow getting his eyes sanded and scrubbed by a machine inside the tv. Don't read so much, you know it's bad for your eyes!

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 445

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Dylan] Yeah, I should spend 90% of my waking hours in front of a computer instead. Oh wait ... smiley - winkeye

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 446

Irving Washington

I think I've gotten over whatever was making me feel bad, but I've played so much Civ IV while doing so that my head still hurts smiley - erm

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 447

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Dylan] And I stayed up until 4 AM again, this time finishing Half-Life 2: Episode Two. ... You know, once they make Episode Three and beyond, it's going to look rather silly since the episodes will be in alphabetical order of the numbers instead of numerical (Five, Four, One, Three, Two, Six ...).

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 448

Irving Washington

*Pours himself a cup of joe*

Yeah, I never quite got into Half-Life. I guess it's because I'm no good at 1st person shooters. I'm not really good at CivIV, either, but it's just so addictive....

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 449

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I'm no good at shoot-em-ups or at anything with time pressure. That's why I remain a Mystian (and sequels) at heart, because one has all the time in the world to get it wrong. And I do love the eye candy.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 450

Irving Washington

Myst rocked. Though I first played it on a computer that was just barely up to the task, and it wasn't as pretty as it could have been.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 451

Dizzy H. Muffin

Hmm ... I suppose if first-person shooters per se aren't really you're thing, I ought to recommend Portal. For the most part, it has the same "all the time in the world to solve things" stuff. I'll admit that some things do become a bit hectic a few times near the end, and there are some mild combat-oriented bits, but it's all really more puzzley than fightey.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 452

Dizzy H. Muffin

Oh, and the humor rocks, too. It'd be quicker to list the lines belonging to GLaDOS, the AI announcer, which *aren't* awesome. smiley - winkeye

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 453

Irving Washington

According to my calendar, tomorrow is "National Boss Day." I presume this is a day where everyone gets to try to boss everyone else around?

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 454

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Myst is what, 11 years old now? Exile was gorgeous, plus it moved to a quicktime-like 360º environment, which made it much more engrossing.

I'll have a quick shufty at Portal, but does anyone remember a game called Obsidian? How about Timelapse? I even loved the deeply-flawed 9, because of themusic-oriented puzzles. And it had a hilarious send-up of Doom embedded in it.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 455

Titania (gone for lunch)

IIEM! Thank you... *sips the vanilla latte*

Has anyone here tried the MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot? I'm such a sucker for nice graphics, and I can totally see myself in this role:


The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 456

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Mog] I can totally see you in that role, too. smiley - winkeye

[Dylan] I haven't touched an MMO in ages. smiley - erm

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 457

Irving Washington

Haven't tried it. Dare not try another MMORPG. I get sucked in and don't come up for days.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 458

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Yar] [walks in] smiley - yawn I'm bored! IIEM, gimme directions to someplace it'll coincidentally turn out I'm needed.

[The IIEM gives him a slip of paper]

[Yar] Right! Thanks! [reads the directions and walks back out again]

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 459

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - huh Directions? Hmmmm... maybe I'll give it a go later, but for now I'd settle for a...

[IIEM]: Mog's Special, coming right up! And yes, I'll make it strong this time!

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 460

Irving Washington

I'll have a Mog's special, but could you water it down a tad? smiley - silly

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