A Conversation for The Café

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 161

Cardinal Noah (is now back!!!)

yes please! smiley - cool

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 162

Frankie Roberto

Hello all,

Cappachino please! smiley - cappuccino

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 163

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*passes smiley - cappuccino to Frankie*

Thanks for passing out the cookies, Bart. smiley - biggrin

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 164



Is there anybody in here? smiley - erm

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 165


smiley - erm

Looks like I've missed the rush again... smiley - sadface

The blackest smiley - coffee you've got, IIEM...

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 166

Ioreth (on hiatus)

But you're just in time to see me. It's Rosh Hashana, everyone, happy new year. My family's all off for two days of fun praying but me, I sit at home heretically. smiley - smiley

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 167


Happy New Year!

If it were some absurd time in the morning and I became a slightly crazier guy, I'd ask if you would honor me with a kiss when the ball dropped...

*sips jet-black smiley - coffee*

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 168


I'll shut up now... smiley - sadface

*goes for a walk outside the cafe*

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 169

Ioreth (on hiatus)

Sorry... I finally got morpheus to replace my old dead napster and it's incredibly exciting (and distracting) to hear a lot of stuff I ain't heard I left israel.

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 170

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

smiley - smiley Happy New Year. I'm afraid this one isn't looking so good.

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 171


*pops head back in*

Well, I guess I'll be heading off.
Goodnight, and don't worry; I'll probably be back tomorrow smiley - smiley


The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 172

Ioreth (on hiatus)

Indeed. I often wish at times like these that I was able to believe, because I feel like praying is just about all we can do. I know rabbis all over are saying the same thing as you tonight.

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 173


The one thing to believe in is the goodness of the human spirit. The world is really much more good than bad. That is the true faith. That and a double shot of very strong espresso to alleviate my pulled groin muscle and my headache!

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 174

Ioreth (on hiatus)

What I'm wanting now is a good stiff drink...

smiley - smiley

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 175


*re-enters the cafe*

I guess I just couldn't be kept away smiley - smiley.

That, and the fact that I'm bored and lonely as hell, but feel even worse about complaining while the world falls apart around me.

So what do I want?

I have no idea, but some smiley - tea would be nice...

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 176

Ioreth (on hiatus)

I'm bored and lonely too. Let's be bored and lonely together smiley - smiley

(this keeps happening... I probably need to get a life)

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 177


I have a life, it just happens to be neglected and unentertained.

Hopefully we won't end up as lonely together as we will bored smiley - winkeye

*moves favorite large comfy chair next to ioreth's, smiles, sips his smiley - tea, and looks suspiciously at the cup of ***** IIEM served her*

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 178

Ioreth (on hiatus)

I also have a life, except for during the school year.
*realizes that that's nine months year. and looks crestfallen*
Haha, selfdeprecating humor.
*sips her, well, whatever it is*

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 179


Where would we be without it? smiley - biggrin

I can't believe that we're only in late September. I've seen more work this past month then ever before!


At least I've got this cafe, my health, and...other things...

Mind if I try a sip of your *******?

The H2G2 Aroma Café: Come and Rest your Mind

Post 180

Ioreth (on hiatus)

Not at all, always happy to share smiley - smiley

I'm in senior year, everything's insane! I'm taking nine classes... sheesh.

*goes to IIEM and gets another normal looking cup of, oh nothing at all smiley - smiley*

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