A Conversation for Christians on H2G2

Christians on H2G2

Post 141

Researcher 55674

Well met. A missionary to where might I ask?

Christians on H2G2

Post 142


Hong Kong and China.
Good to meet you too!

Christians on H2G2

Post 143

Cairo Racer

Hi. I had H2G2 for quite a while now, but I neglected it for some time. I'm hoping this forum isn't dead... I haven't found a good H2G2 article on Christianity yet, and I was wondering if anyone would consider a collaboration?

P.S. Forgot to mention, yes, I'm Christian.


Christians on H2G2

Post 144

Researcher 55674

I'd be willing to give it a try. I've actually had the thought a time or two that it would be better to write articles on this particular subject with another person. It would help to keep one another more accountable for what is written.

Christians on H2G2

Post 145

Cairo Racer

Ah! Perfect! I don't suppose you would mind waiting for at least a few others? This would be an enormously huge project. smiley - smiley

Umm... About accountability, an idea just came to me. Perhaps this "team" would require a diverse group across many denominations, so we don't alienate any one group?


Christians on H2G2

Post 146


Count me in.
Although I don't like calling myself any particular denomination (I prefer to think I just go by the Bible) I'm Anglican.

Christians on H2G2

Post 147

Researcher 55674

I tend to agree with T, denomination doesn't matter particularly to me. However, if I feel that the scripture is being compromised by the belief of any person, I might have to pull out. No hard feelings, just the way I feel about it.

Christians on H2G2

Post 148


I'd like to chip in, if you'll have me. Although whether you'll have me or not depends on what you want me to write. Any early ideas on how you'll tackle this? (I started to tackle the Pyramids, but I discovered after writing the few known facts that it is harder to cover all the speculation than the solid facts! I've had to break it down and post in in sections, but I'm still writing the rest...)

Christians on H2G2

Post 149

Cairo Racer

I guess the hardest part of this is organization... There really is so much to write about, and only so much we can write about before we bore the reader to tears (i.e. We can't type out the entire Bible.) I'm thinking to wait two or three days, gather up as many people as we can, and we'll split the jobs? (I really haven't done this before... If anyone has any better ideas, please, tell us! smiley - smiley


P.S. Good point about the denomination. I suppose I'll hold myself to the "scriptual integrity" bit too. Thanks!

Christians on H2G2

Post 150

Researcher 55674

It might be good to play to each of our strengths. For instance, if someone knows something about church history then they would be the best to write about those aspects. On a side note, do we have any ladies yet? It'd be good to get that perspective, too, to balance out the testosterone levels a bit.

Christians on H2G2

Post 151

Cairo Racer

Umm.... So is this all of us?

Christians on H2G2

Post 152


Is this project still going on?

Christians on H2G2

Post 153


I'm a lady, but I don't think you'd want me involved, as ddombrow would be quick to point out. Tee-hee.

As the British would say, cheers. I may not be a believer myself, but I have the utmost respect for anyone who is willing to act on their beliefs. And collaberation can only be a good thing.

Best of luck (not that you'll need it)


Christians on H2G2

Post 154


I'm in.
You know, maybe we can get a listing on Christianity up in the main table of contents thingy they just put up.....maybe with the simple stuff in one place with a link to a good site (like maybe the Jesus movie "who Jesus is" site), and then all the historical stuff, deep stuff, controversial site somewhere else. That way interested parties could actually get to know Jesus before getting lost in the morass that we are sure to create smiley - smiley

Christians on H2G2

Post 155


Hi, just chipping in to say "I'm a Christian" and to offer my humble greetings/help or whatever - good to meet all of you.

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