A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

Let's drum up membership!

Post 141


Sweeps in with devil-may-care florish and a wicked smile!

Hi everybody!

I was hanging around h2g2 (as you do) minding my own business, when all of a sudden I smelt the wonderful smell of freshly baked brownies! I said to myself: self, you must seek out this wholesome goodness and lo and behold - here you all are!

Rapture! Joy! Brownies!
May I be so bold as to join this little membership drive?

Wowbagger smiley - smiley
(a fellow brownie fiend)

Let's drum up membership!

Post 142


Ah, but if it were a natural appendage, would it not be soft and supple until the child grows into brownie-age?

Let's drum up membership!

Post 143


That's friend, dear Wowbagger. smiley - winkeye

Let's drum up membership!

Post 144


depends on what side of the brownie you are on smiley - winkeye
by all means join us, the more the merrier smiley - bigeyes
*hands wowbagger a rather large brownie*
monsy smiley - fish

Chocolate Pancakes subchurch

Post 145


Let me join this sweet discussion with a fine receipt how to make the best chocolate pancake! Mix eggs, flour, milk until it gets the right fluid form. Bake it. Fill with cocoa poweder and apricot jam (best house-made). Gourmands can put it in the oven, and bake it further, then you can cut it into neat slices.

Let's drum up membership!

Post 146


*peeks in basket*

smiley - musicalnote ... a dozen hungry children sayin' smiley - musicalnote
smiley - musicalnote "Is there anything left for me?" smiley - musicalnote

(Spot the reference.)

Let's drum up membership!

Post 147

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I don't recognize the reference, but I think I've figured out some of Monsy's secret ingredients! Well made, Monsy! smiley - smiley

Let's drum up membership!

Post 148

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Welcome friend Wowbagger! Monsy's Brownies are dangerous so watch out, you need to eat them before they eat through your plate! smiley - smileysmiley - winkeye

Let's drum up membership!

Post 149

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Not to mention your liver! smiley - winkeye

Let's drum up membership!

Post 150

Sporkulious Eglon

and brain cells smiley - smiley

Let's drum up membership!

Post 151

marvthegrate LtG KEA

So allright, I forgot a few items there. But when the alcohol laden brownie molecules invade your brain they induce a state of bliss that you can truley experiance the wonderful Brownie in full. That and the alcohol will weed out old tired brain cells that you are not using anymore at any rate. This makes you more efficient in your thinking and you will be able to coerce.... errrrr....Invite more people to join our church!

Let's drum up membership!

Post 152


yea!! see, my brownies are good for you so eat up everyone and afterwards we will see who can best perform the funky chicken while balancing an egg on their nose smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

Let's drum up membership!

Post 153


Thank you for the brownie Monsy.
And Anonymouse I DID mean fiend (or is it feind)? smiley - winkeye

The ingredients ARE rather special aren't they? They remind me a bit of the space cakes I ate in another forummmmmmmmm. smiley - bigeyes

And don't worry, my liver is pretty strong. It's had to be. smiley - winkeye

Let's drum up membership!

Post 154

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Monsy really does make the best brownies! All rich...and chocolaty...and flamable. The best ever! smiley - smiley

Let's drum up membership!

Post 155

Sporkulious Eglon

Yes.. yes... Instead of flaming piles of dog crap, kids are throwing flaming piles of pie crap

Let's drum up membership!

Post 156


let's hope that was just a play on words and you were NOT calling my brownies pie crap!!! smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

Let's drum up membership!

Post 157


So where's all these recipes? I'm assuming all the ingredients are available at the standard local grocery emporium? (if only)

Oh, god, forgot about the diet from hell - OK, so which ingredients can I omit (and feed to the chocolate-weevils) but which still leaves me with a wholesome and satisfying choclate snack

Let's drum up membership!

Post 158


as long as you leave the alcohol then they should be fine smiley - winkeye
of course leaving the alcohol means that you will no longer care about the diet from hell and you will decide to go ahead and add the other ingredients as well smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

Let's drum up membership!

Post 159


Ah, that's the hard part... I have decide to try a 'low fat' diet - as one of the deciding factors was the alcohol. So a low fat chocolate brownie recipe with loads of booze to compensate for the lack of other stuff - would be great. I anyone knows one, I would pay handsomely for such an exquisite recipe.

(and so would the chocolate weevils, frisky little blighters. They came in with Marv's pet goat and they refuse to leave.)

Let's drum up membership!

Post 160

Nick O`Teen

I came up with a brownie recipe. I make the brownies in a sort of oblong shape and give them to all my co-workers who suck up to the boss. I call them "nose brownies".

Of course I add minced weevils because they don't seem to notice.

So am I in, then?

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