A Conversation for Community Choice

** Front page link 02/04/07 **

Post 1


Good morning, just to let you know that the Community Choice page is being linked to from the front page today and for the rest of the week. smiley - ok

** Front page link 02/04/07 **

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit confused
"You are promoting a club 'run' by former staff smiley - huh

Well, categorisation never hurts smiley - ok"

** Front page link 02/04/07 **

Post 3


Is there a thread somewhere that I'm missing, like the "Personal space on front page" thread, for clubs? Because there are a few I wouldn't mind seeing up there. There's a newly debuted book club, for example. And of course A24050017 - a highly exclusive club for those of fortunate birth. smiley - winkeye

** Front page link 02/04/07 **

Post 4


Well, you can recommend them here just as you have done or here:

Actually, if you make your recommendation again at A192791 then you'll re-ignite the thread for us and the clubs will be considered for front page linking. smiley - smiley

** Front page link 02/04/07 **

Post 5


Um, I'm confused. Because there and here is the same place. (It's like Springfield!)
I mean, A192791 is the page that this thread is on. Do you want me to make another thread, or am I missing a specific thread?

** Front page link 02/04/07 **

Post 6


Sorry, my fault. I keep my brain in a jar but I lost the jar somewhere. Nevermind. Here's the right place to post to, though. smiley - ok

** Front page link 02/04/07 **

Post 7

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit lost in time
"Keep the jar in the fridge, you will find it at least once a day. smiley - ok"

** Front page link 02/04/07 **

Post 8

The H2G2 Editors

smiley - biggrin

** Front page link 02/04/07 **

Post 9


A20154070 - that's the h2g2 book club. Just begun - fresh canned meat. smiley - biggrin

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