The Real Leo Club
Created | Updated Sep 3, 2007
Welcome to the Leo Club - all astrological Leos welcome!

This club was founded by The Crazy Thing and Leo. It is a very exclusive club. It's for all people born between July 23 and August 22—and nobody else. Have you ever felt you were a better driver, generous, warmhearted, creative, enthusiastic, broadminded, faithful, loving, pompous, patronizing, bossy, interfering, dogmatic and intolerant? Or maybe just the opposite? Do you feel like a leader or are you an excellent follower? Do you ever feel the impulse to just ROAR?
Well here is the place to do it. Just post below with your Uname, UNumber, and birthday. Then trot into the Kitty Corner and say hello to the others.
Leo | August 11 |
Crazy Thing | July 10 |
Wilma | August 4 |
mummit | August 20 |
The Thinker | July 31 |
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Member's Photo Gallery
To identify yourself in any of the photos please post below in a thread entitled "Hey, that's me!"