A Conversation for Biographical Ephemera - Asteroid Lil


Post 1

Researcher sparklestar

Hi Lil!
Great name.
But it has me wondering about your interest in asteroids? Just this week the giant eye-in-the-sky discovered yet another, this one larger than Varuna (which happens to be my favourite) and also outweighing Charon.
Do you use asteroids in Chart assessments?



Post 2

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

You posted just before I left Florida for good, and with it all my spare time. This week I actually got 99% of my office up and running in the new place, and I'm finally getting around to updating personal pages.

Your question deserves a longer answer than I have time to give tonight -- let me know if you're still there and I'll be happy to discuss asteroids. Yes, I do use them. smiley - smiley

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