Biographical Ephemera - Asteroid Lil

9 Conversations

A woman of a certain age. Self-employed. Restores very old photographs, documents, artworks. Does 2D digital art, mostly for the joy of it. Also edits newsletters and creates brochures. Even consults for her old employer at three times the hourly rate she got as an employee. Works at home and wears shoes as little as possible.

Not long emerged from 15 years of caregiving to her father, she quit her lousy-paying and highly stressful programming job in December 1998 and vows she will never serve anyone but her conscience from now on.

She was born in Boston MA, raised near Philadelphia PA, and escaped the country at age 19 to live in England. Knocked about Scotland and England, lived in communes, got married, obtained B.A. II(i) in philosophy at the University of Birmingham in Edgbaston, and did a year of postgrad work before getting writers block. Got divorced. Enrolled at a riding academy near Stratford-on-Avon and obtained Assistant Instructor's Certificate from British Horse Society the following year. Knocked about some more doing horse jobs. Went to Corfu to work at a hotel, managing the stable and taking clients out on rides. Peak experience.

Returned to England to be unemployed till she enrolled in a programming course in Coventry. Not long after completion of course, was called home to start caregiving. Escaped country again to work some more in England, but finally had to go back to Florida and stay there to do extended caregiving until 1997.

Member of Mensa since 1975 (harmless granfalloon).

Inexplicably fascinated by astrology, to the shame and embarrassment of her colleagues, and has played with the stuff for nearly 25 years. Can't bring herself to "believe" it, but can't leave it alone, either. She does NOT tell fortunes!

Did ten years of karate until too many parts got bent, sprained, bruised and finally broken.

Now living in Lincoln, New Mexico, population 38, which will be 34 if the Allens sell their house. Lincoln isn't just a place with people living there, but also a State Monument and Historic Landmark. We don't have to wear period dress, at least. But I have had to start wearing shoes.

Since this ephemeral page was written, I find that I'm doing much more than I was. Professionally I've grown into fine art photography and "brushware" or art with real watercolours and acrylics. My work is actually getting framed, hung at the local gallery -- and sold!

And I have become for active civically. I serve as a member of the Lincoln Historic Preservation Board, work relief at the local post office, am an associate member of the Lincoln County Historic Society and, for the first time in my life, know everyone and am known by everyone.

It's the tribal unit. It works.

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