A Conversation for Universal Laws of Life

The inanimate conspiracy

Post 41


I thought Modems still were for the Rich people....?

The inanimate conspiracy

Post 42

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Can't be. I've got one.

      o      o       o      o
smiley - fish° smiley - fish° smiley - fish° smiley - fish°

The inanimate conspiracy

Post 43


It's the Phone Bills that are for rich people smiley - winkeye

The inanimate conspiracy

Post 44

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Not in Oz.

      o      o       o      o
smiley - fish° smiley - fish° smiley - fish° smiley - fish°

The inanimate conspiracy

Post 45


*typical* smiley - sadface

The inanimate conspiracy

Post 46

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

Oz is good 'coz we have a fixed rate per call from fixed phone to fixed phone, except long distance.

      o      o       o      o
smiley - fish° smiley - fish° smiley - fish° smiley - fish°

The inanimate conspiracy

Post 47


All that one must do in order to prevent breakdowns of equipment is make offerings to them. I have a Toyota Van that has been running through the most Murphryian of conditions, because she loves the giant crystal necklace dangling from the rear view mirror. I have also kept computers running with small offerings of pretty shiny things. The terminal I am currently working at was recently healed of "Fatal Disk Error" with the offering of a small baked burrito... although, I'm not sure how long this one will last.

The inanimate conspiracy

Post 48

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Wot? The burrito or the fix?

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