A Conversation for Universal Laws of Life

The difference between cats and dogs

Post 1

The Wanderer

If you have a dog, either you're his master, or he's your master.

If you have a cat, he eats your food.

The difference between cats and dogs

Post 2


Hah, very good smiley - smiley

"A human is something a cat uses to prepare food."

The difference between cats and dogs

Post 3

Cheerful Dragon

Some one once said, 'Dogs come when they are called. Cats get you to leave a message on their answering service.'

The difference between cats and dogs

Post 4


If a dog likes you, he licks you.

If a cat likes you, he bites you.

The difference between cats and dogs

Post 5

Cheerful Dragon

None of our cats have ever bitten either of us, although Joey used to like to gently chew my fingers when he was a kitten. He never hurt me, and he never drew blood, so I was quite happy to let him. He grew out of it after a while.

The difference between cats and dogs

Post 6


Cats cough up fur-balls
Dogs urinate on the floor

The difference between cats and dogs

Post 7

Is mise Duncan

A dog craves attention,
a cat expects it.

The difference between cats and dogs

Post 8

Dinsdale Piranha

A dog when you get home:

'Oh! It's you! It's you! It's you!!!!!'

A cat:

'Oh. It's you.'

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