A Conversation for Universal Laws of Life

rules for the universe

Post 1


I had a friend from when I waa assigned to duty in Germany who taught me the stupid test. This was devised for people who lack common sense (or for Zaphod Beeblebrox!) All you do is ask yourself, "Is my next action going to result in something stupid happening?" If the answer is "yes," then proceed to do the opposite of your original action. Fairly foolproof!

rules for the universe

Post 2

Fruitbat (Eric the)

That assumes that the person in question is going to have foresight enough to ask in the first place...and if they don't, nothing can help them. (Whereupon they're promptly run down on the next zebra crossing....)


rules for the universe

Post 3


Thank you for the editorial reply Fruitbat. I never thought about the implications of the idiot test and zebra crossings. Maybe there needs to be an addenum for that.

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