A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eighteen - "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 1


You know the drill. Put your name down here if you want to be involved in this season's game smiley - smiley

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 2


Well I guess a defence of the crown is in order smiley - biggrin

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 3

Mu Beta

I am Spartacus!


FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 4


smiley - envy Well, I guess a bid to reclaim the crown is in order.

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 5

Demon Drawer

Sign me up

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 6


I guess a bid to try and remember to post each week is also in order! smiley - smiley

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 7

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

I`ll join join join join!
Roger Elizabeth DeBris

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 8


Im in, now i found the threads i could have swore were not here last night.

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 9



Isn't that what's left of Ormy's last title challenge? smiley - bigeyes

smiley - tomatosmiley - run

(sorry - I'm a heartless gloater I know)

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 10

McKay The Disorganised

And that sounds like his brother - Hu bris.

I'm in.

smiley - cider

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 11

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

to paraphrase the immortal words of uncle nikita...


but in a nice way of course.

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 12

Mu Beta

Can I point out that if the 'page builders' are Australian then this competition won't be starting until 2009


FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 13


yes, I'm hooked, again, count me in for another shot... (is this a drug?)

Bottletopsmiley - cheers

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 14


* checks off names received so far *

* has no idea what Master B is prattling on about smiley - huh *

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 15


* Sees other thread started by DD and now understands B's comment smiley - ok *

No, they aren't Australian smiley - smiley

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 16

Demon Drawer

You didn't respond to a card through the door then did you? They are almost as bad.

FF18 - Sign up thread

Post 17

Secretly Not Here Any More

Oh yeah, I'm in. If you hadn't noticed by the predictions.

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