A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eighteen - "Attack! Attack! Attack!"
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FF18 - Week Seventeen
GreyDesk Posted Apr 21, 2007
* points in Orcus' direction and giggles *
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Apr 21, 2007
I think he made a bit of a bloomer there.
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Orcus Posted Apr 21, 2007
Ah shite, I did actually read about this as well
Too much of a hurry. Well he's got me loads of points in the past, maybe I'll forgive him
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Apr 21, 2007
Maybe a shot will go ever so slightly off target and go to the hospital where hulse is and he can head it in.
FF18 - Week Seventeen
GreyDesk Posted Apr 21, 2007
If Nade is kicking the ball, then that just might happen.
The folk in row Z are in mortal danger whenever he takes to the pitch
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Apr 21, 2007
If Nade is on the pitch the 3 people in row Z of HILLSBROUGH will be in mortal danger.
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Nirvanite Posted Apr 21, 2007
Im gonna be away for the next 2 weeks, so im putting in my PPP requests now, so dont forget.
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Apr 21, 2007
Yeah GD dont forget*Sprinkles GD with forget powder*
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Apr 21, 2007
Yeah GD dont forget*Sprinkles GD with forget powder*
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Apr 21, 2007
I knew I'd forgotten something!
Charlton 2-1 Sheffield United (Darren Bent)
Fulham 0-1 Blackburn (McCarthy)
Liverpool 3-0 Wigan (Gerrard)
Watford 0-0 Man City
West Ham 2-2 Everton (Johnson)
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Apr 21, 2007
"All predictions to be in by kick off (3pm I think) on Saturday, 21st April."
Unless it's going to take you more than 2 hours and 42 minutes, you should be ok without the Tardis.
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Demon Drawer Posted Apr 22, 2007
Drat I originally had LIverpool down as 2-0 but in preview I decided we'd score another goal a full house blown but the other points for that one secured.
Anyway despite Ormy's full house for Fulham I extend my lead by 3 points with two other correct scores at places beginning with W and and the scorer from Ormy's Full house.
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Mu Beta Posted Apr 22, 2007
If it's any consolation, Ormy's Fulham prediction isn't a full house.
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! Posted Apr 22, 2007
Typical.The only time i DONT pick Kuyt to score he goes and scores 2.
FF18 - Week Seventeen
Demon Drawer Posted Apr 22, 2007
I knew he was due one soon. And yesterday was that day.
FF18 - Week Seventeen
GreyDesk Posted May 1, 2007
Another quiet week. Most of the scores were around the 5 or 6 point mark.
The only two that stood out from the crowd were Demon Drawer and B.
DD wins this week with 10 points, and increases his lead at the top of the table
B comes second with a fine nine points and retakes second place in the league (from me
Key: Complain about this post
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FF18 - Week Seventeen
- 21: GreyDesk (Apr 21, 2007)
- 22: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Apr 21, 2007)
- 23: Orcus (Apr 21, 2007)
- 24: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Apr 21, 2007)
- 25: GreyDesk (Apr 21, 2007)
- 26: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Apr 21, 2007)
- 27: Nirvanite (Apr 21, 2007)
- 28: Nirvanite (Apr 21, 2007)
- 29: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Apr 21, 2007)
- 30: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Apr 21, 2007)
- 31: Secretly Not Here Any More (Apr 21, 2007)
- 32: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Apr 21, 2007)
- 33: Secretly Not Here Any More (Apr 21, 2007)
- 34: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Apr 21, 2007)
- 35: Demon Drawer (Apr 22, 2007)
- 36: Mu Beta (Apr 22, 2007)
- 37: Demon Drawer (Apr 22, 2007)
- 38: Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!! (Apr 22, 2007)
- 39: Demon Drawer (Apr 22, 2007)
- 40: GreyDesk (May 1, 2007)
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