A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eighteen - "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

FF18 - Week Nineteen

Post 21

Demon Drawer

Now, now Ormy. Calm down, Calm down. Still got one week to go. Thank hevaens. smiley - sadface

FF18 - Week Nineteen

Post 22


Two sets of PPs this week.

First Nirvanite's

Aston Villa 1-1 Sheffield United
Fulham 0-1 Liverpool
West Ham 2-0 Bolton
Wigan 0-0 Middlesbrough
Derby 1-1 Leeds
With no additional scorer points.

Then riotact's

Aston Villa 2-0 Sheffield United
Fulham 2-0 Liverpool
West Ham 1-1 Bolton
Wigan 1-1 Middlesbrough
Derby 1-2 Leeds
With no additional scorer points

FF18 - Week Nineteen

Post 23


Now I see why Ormy was so keen on getting me to mark this week's list. Sorry for the delay, I've been up to my eyeballs in job applications and CVs for the last few days, and haven't had the time to do much else.

Anyway, to the results. Well Ormy has played a blinder this week in comparison to everyone else. His 10 points comfortably puts him in firts place this week (smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly etc), and it also puts him into first place on the leaderboard - a place that he has not been all season - and ends DD's eleven week run at the top.

And all this in the penultimate week of the season. How exciting! smiley - bigeyes

FF18 - Week Nineteen

Post 24

Mu Beta

Hmm...I'm going to need a good final week to finish third.

Believe it or not, in the 16th season of my playing this game, that would be my highest ever finish.


FF18 - Week Nineteen

Post 25


Yes you are a bit Aston Villa when it comes to this game smiley - tongueout

FF18 - Week Nineteen

Post 26

Secretly Not Here Any More

One point off B with a week to go. I could do with a victory over him in this to be honest...

FF18 - Week Nineteen

Post 27

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

Two points off Mckay and 3 off Nirvanite.Come on!!!!I cant do it!!

FF18 - Week Nineteen

Post 28


Har har, still in with a shout of a top 3 finish which isn't bad considering I spent most of the season propping up the table. Remind me to not miss week 1 next time, sigh.

FF18 - Week Nineteen

Post 29

Demon Drawer

I thought I'd give you all the excitement of a Gretna St. Johnstone finish to the league.

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