The CAC Continuum
Created | Updated Nov 16, 2006
The Philosopher's Stone Issue
Fiction Weird Science First/Personals Kitchen SyncronicitiesSatire
A change of direction for this installment of the CAC Continuum's continuing search... because sometimes the search turns out not to have to go very far. This issue features the work of just one writer, Steerpike369, and five interrelated pieces, all weaving in and out of an alchemical base, aspiring to transform leaden language into the gold of poetry. If you'd like at least one possible framework in which to locate this writing, pay a visit to the author's Personal Space, where there's enough to suggest that alchemy is no mere play. As he — or someone very like him — says himself:
To attain, humanity must offer something to sacrifice in trade.
This is Equivalent Exchange... Alchemy's fundamental principle.
In my youth I knew that to be the world's one and only truth!
The Twelve Fold Rose
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This issue was found as gold and left as such by
as part of the Committee for Alien Content's continuing search
for truth and a wider audience.
The CAC Continuum Archive
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