A Conversation for LET THE PARTY COMMENCE hic -Pardon Me.

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 141


*ponders allison once more* hmmmm...something's fishy around here smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 142


All we need now is Esther and we shall all be here smiley - winkeye
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 143

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

i never even thought of Esther. Shazz, you're a genius. now, i must find Olias, Swarf, quite a lot of people, actually. hope Monsy has made enough choccysmiley - fish. what am i saying? this is Heaven.smiley - fish@

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 144


Good idea Sporky smiley - smiley Lots of choccie...and lots of love eh ?? smiley - winkeye
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 145

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

yes, Shazz, plenty of love for everyone. Muushroom?smiley - fish@

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 146

King Fabels (a.k.a. FABIUS, the confusatron)

I guess I 'll just have to accept that there are things in life that I don't understand!

smiley - winkeye

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 147

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

i think you understand everything.smiley - fish@

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 148


If you manage to understand ANYTHING these three have to say, you are doing LIGHT YEARS better than me!!!!.....and I'm MARRIED to one of them!!!LOLsmiley - smiley


And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 149

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I DARE TO TAKE DEATH1111112@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 150


now don't go getting a furball or anything alicat smiley - winkeye
besides, you have 9 lives so it would do you no good at all to choose death...you would only come right back again and have to face the truth once more smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 151

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

all, right' i take DARE. SSO help me GOD< stiff upper cat********hasmiley - fish@

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 152

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

i believe aa celebration is called for.smiley - fish@

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 153

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

WOW. i think i need to go back to bed.*winks* smiley - fish@

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 154


not so fast lil' kitty, i dare you to come clean with us.....i dare you to tell us who else you are.....i dare you to be truthful in your intentions as alicat.....
monsy smiley - fish

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 155

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I am God.smiley - fish@

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 156


i cannot believe you are all partying here still!

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 157

King Fabels (a.k.a. FABIUS, the confusatron)

KF: Please, let me say something wise, just this once?
the others: hmmm, well ok!
KF:Life is like trying to find the balance between partying and even more partying
the others: we think you got a point!
KF: djee, thanks!....but anyways, I started my first forum.. feel free to check it outsmiley - winkeye I have a Jukebox installed, a very nice one I reckon! The subject, however, remains a big surprise! I bet you can hardly wait eh? hahaha smiley - winkeye

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 158

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

I'll meet you all there.smiley - fish@

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 159

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

i'd better leave a few cases of bottled love here in case someone finds their way here. the shipment into the "rael" world has already been sent out. Soon the whole universe will have love.smiley - smiley Time for a beer.

And the Party Continues *hic* Now waht was it - Oh Yeh -TRUTH or DARE

Post 160


*All ya' need is love*
*Yat ta da da da*!smiley - winkeye

smiley - fishNM

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