A Conversation for The Big Read - h2g2 Edition

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 21

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

My favourite book on the list is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Actually, I was torn between that and His Dark Materials, which I suppose is rather odd!

I also feel rather bad because I've only read ten of them (and 40/100 in the whole thing), so can't really judge. I'm reading Jane Eyre at the moment, though, so will soon be up to eleven.


The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 22

Mu Beta

I think 40 is a pretty respectable total.

I've read a very h2g2-esque 42 of the 100, but a lot of that is Pratchett and Harry Potter.


The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 23

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I did ponder stopping when I get to 42 smiley - smiley But as HHGG wouldn't even figure in my top 100 books, that would be silly...


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Post 24


I feel quite ashamed now having only read 24 of the top 100 and 8 of the final 21. I suppose LOTR doesn't count as I only got half way through before tossing the book away as utter drivel.

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 25

Mu Beta

Yeah, I'll happily drop down to 41 and pretend I'd never heard of LOTR as well.

Although, seeing as Night Watch is now out in paperback, I'm going to be shooting back up to 42 fairly shortly...


The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 26


Me, I can't wait for LOTR to be shown on BBC1, Christmas Day afternoon c.2006. It will give me such a great excuse to go for a nice long walk on the beach smiley - biggrin

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 27

Star Fleet...

well there can only be one book it has to be hitchhikers guide smiley - biggrin if i was allowed a second vote it must be catch 22 smiley - smiley

Star Fleet
smiley - planet

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 28

Doc U

My favourite book in the list is - Catch 22

Yep - Mockingbird is great too, but you can't beat Catch-22 for sharp, witty, incredibly amusing satire.

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 29

Titania (gone for lunch)

My favourite book in the list is - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, because of the crazy humour in it. A laughter a day keeps the doctor away!smiley - smiley

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 30

Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355

My favourite book in the list is - Catch 22 smiley - smiley

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 31

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

My favourite book in the list is - War and Peace

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 32

Demon Drawer

Out of the Top 21 being totally unbiased I'll vote 1984

However my Big Read votes go to hootoo

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 33


My favourite book in the list is - To Kill a Mockingbird.


The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 34

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Favorite book on the list is Catcher in the Rye. After that... Pullman, Harper Lee, and Daphne duMaurier... in no particular order.

LOTR smiley - yuk Boring boring boring.

HHGTTG doesn't make it in my top 10, I'm afraid... not my favorite DNA book (Last Chance to See is far superior). Favorite book of all time... quite possibly Peter S. Beagle's A Fine and Private Place. smiley - ok

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 35


My favourite book in the list is - Pride and Prejudice

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 36


Well, Lord of the Rings would be my runner-up. Because I have read the trilogy about seven times since I was 14 years old. I posted To Kill a Mockingbird as my favourite book, though I have only read it about three or four times, because I feel it is so over-looked and deserves more attention.

The Lord of the Rings, as a novel, is now eclipsed by the hype of the films and all that goes along with that. Which to me does not take away from the sheer joy I experience everytime I read it.


The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 37


My favourite book in the list is - The Lord of the Rings
(I guess we have to answer honestly, yeah? Well I did, though I long to be more pretentious...)

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 38


My favourite book in the list is - The Catcher in the Rye

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 39


My favourite book in THIS list is -
Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
~but is maybe NOT my favourite book of all time, but as I get through about 40 books a year and my tastes have changed during my 48 year span (and I've frequently reread books that I'd forgotten I'd read !) I would be VERY hard pressed to be absolutely sure as to my all-time favourite..... so there smiley - winkeye

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 40


My favourite book of all time didn't even make the list of 100. It's "The House of Sleep" by Jonathan Coe.

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