A Conversation for The Big Read - h2g2 Edition

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 61

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

I agree with Master B as regards HGTTG, I don't know about anyone else but I thought the tv series far superior.

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 62


I preferred the original radio series - the pictures were better. smiley - winkeye

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 63

funk master

My favourite book in the list is - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 64

F F Churchton

Beyond all Salmon of doubt - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy - DNA, although "timeline" and "the Paris option" are pretty good as well, but not as good!!!

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 65

Sho - employed again!

My favourite book in the list is - Lord of the Rings
smiley - ok

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 66

shorncanary ~^~^~ sign the petition to save the albatrosses

Lord of the Rings

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 67

Matt Bailey

My favourite book in the list is - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 68

shorncanary ~^~^~ sign the petition to save the albatrosses

Lord of the Rings WON Lord of the Rings WON Lord of the Rings WON Lord of the Rings WON Lord of the Rings WON !

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 69


Thank you everyone for taking the time to cast your votes.

The final result, and a comparison of our tastes to that of the nation will appear in a forthcoming edition of <./>ThePost</.>

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 70

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

smiley - magic One smiley - book to Rule them All!!! smiley - magic

smiley - nahnah Lord of the Rings WON!!! smiley - coolsmiley - ok

smiley - applausesmiley - applausesmiley - applause

Prideth smiley - dragon

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 71

Mu Beta

It's a sad outlook for this nation when 4 of the top 5 are fantasy/sci-fi. smiley - sadface


The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 72

Sho - employed again!

Why, Master B?
It could be, of course, that people who read those types of book care enough to vote (or are sad enough to not have anything better to do on a Saturday night...)

But I prefer to think that it means that there is a closet army of fantasy readers out there, who have finally come out and stood up to be counted

smiley - erm

Just because it's fantasy doesn't mean that the characterisations, the plot, the writing etc are bad. It just means that they are different.

You could say that, to someone reading in the 21st century, Austen is like an alternate reality type of thing. Well, that's more like the sort of thing that I'd say, but you could say it if you wanted to.

smiley - biggrin

Grinning from ear to ear that LOTR won. smiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 73

Mu Beta

OK - not all fantasy is bad. I'm an avid Pratchett reader, so maybe I shouldn't slate the genre.

The four books that aren't P&P just seem to me to be depressingly shallow. There's precious little characterisation, HHGTTG isn't even well-plotted, Harry Potter is a bandwagon book (and Goblet isn't even the best Harry Potter book), His Dark Materials is full of faux philosophy and LOTR is the most depressingly, entrenchingly dull, pretentious load of twaddle I've ever read. In fact, I haven't read it all - I gave up about 3/4 of the way through the first book, but I've been reassured that it doesn't improve.

Frankly, I'm fuming that To Kill a Mockingbird, Winnie The Pooh or Rebecca didn't make the top 5.


The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 74

Sho - employed again!

Well, to be fair, I have to say that I find the writing in LOTR a pain in places, and never read the songs or the Tom Bombadill bit. But as a story I love it. Same goes for Hitchhikers and the Dark Materials trilogy: I really enjoyed reading them.

However, from the top 21, I'd have to say that the best written is To Kill a Mockingbird. I have read it many times, but I would never ever describe it as my favourite because it makes me so uncomfortable. Same with Rebecca, the quiet menace in that book makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

And I'll join in the "anything that gets kids reading is good in my book" bandwagon with HP. I don't care as long as the little blighters read and discover that it is absolutely the Number One best pastime ever. With no exceptions. smiley - winkeye (but don't tell smiley - chefhubs that or he'll sulk)

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 75


I'm for Hitchhiker's. Definitely. Come on, this is hootoo! Who do you think is *really* gonna win? JK Rowling - or Douglas Adams? I should think it's a foregone conclusion.

smiley - dragon

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 76


Pssst, you're a bit late, this was all over by Christmas 2003 smiley - winkeye

The winner (much to my disgust) was the LOTR - A2135639

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 77


I think I did, in theory, know that. Oh well - it was worth casting my vote anyway; I felt like I contributed to something. Sorry 'bout that...

smiley - dragon

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 78

royalleothelion (thingite guard of the kings potty)

My favourite book in the list is - His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

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