A Conversation for The Big Read - h2g2 Edition

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 41

Trout Montague

S**t. Now I've got a ton of bloody books to read just so I can think i'm even in your ball-park.

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 42

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

my favourite book does change every day of the week - some days I couldn't bear to live with out Molesworth, others I think I'd have to take Bleak House to the Desert Island because it'd keep me going so long!
I have about 62 of the top 100, and 19 of the 21 - so now I'm off to read Gone with the Wind and To Kill a Mockingbird (or I would be if I wasn't racing through I Claudius for history class...)

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 43

Countess Freyja

My favourite book in the list is - His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 44

The Moderately Strange Cornice

My favourite book in the list is - Lord of the Rings

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 45

Prideth - Queen dragon - protector of otters, and otternuts alike

My favourite book in the list is - Lord of the Rings-JRR Tolkien

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 46

Mu Beta

smiley - doh Another one! How do we stop these strange fantasy geeks from taking over? smiley - grr


The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 47

Doc U

I say we each get hundreds of h2g2 accounts and vote hundreds of times. smiley - evilgrin But I'm too lazy to carry out my evil plan, so you'll have to do it yourself.

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 48


My favourite book in the list is - Winnie the Pooh

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 49


And what a good choice that is smiley - ok

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 50


My favourite book in the list is - Wuthering Heights

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 51

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

My favourite book in the list is -
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 52

The sweetymunster enuf colacubes 2 feed an army!!

Mine is also To Kill a Mockingbird, good choice blackberry cat!!!

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 53

Researcher 177704

My favourite book in the list is - 'To Kill a Mockingbird' - Harper Lee

smiley - rocket

No Subject

Post 54

Removed on request

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 55


My favourite book in the list is - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 56


My favourite book in the list is -

Lord of the Rings smiley - smiley

(No surprise there then)

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 57


Out of this list - most of which wouldn't make it onto my top books list I would have to go with Captain Corelli's Mandolin - as it made me sob.

But don't get me started on the bloomin awful film . . .

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 58


My favourite book in the list is - Hitchhiker's Guide but I think that I should be removed from this list because isn't everyone on the h2g2 site going to vote for the Hitchhiker's Guide? If that were removed, I'd say my favourite on this list is 1984 although it's been 25 years since I've read it. It never ceases to be timely and prophetic.

The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 59

Mu Beta

To be honest, this poll and the BBC one it is allied to have both become somewhat pointless since it was revealed that the bookies have stopped taking bets on Lord of the Rings. What a sad nation we are of such a load of twaddle is going to be our favourite book. smiley - sadface

Personally, despite being one of h2g2's 'regulars', I find HHGTTG, the book, to be distinctly uninspiring. It is far from one of my favourites...


The Big Read - Cast Your Vote Here

Post 60


Well I wouldn't say h2g2 is my favourite book of all time, but it is my favourite book on that list. It's been almost ten years since I read it but I frequently find myself reading books like it and wishing I was reading IT. My favourite book EVER - well I can never make a decision on that. It's frequently the most recent book I've read, since I have a short attention span.

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