A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest

All right, spit at everything

Post 101

Dizzy H. Muffin

Why doesn't everyone here join SIP? (The Society to Irritate People) Just click on my name, and then scroll down to the line that says "Wanna irritate people? Take a SIP of this..." and click on SIP. Read it, and click on the forum, "Drive people to the brink of insanity! And over."

All right, spit at everything

Post 102


that is an easy one to answer smiley - smiley.....because if we did that then it would mean that you would not near as irritated as you are now and it is such fun to irritate you smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

All right, spit at everything

Post 103

Dizzy H. Muffin

I'll irritate you BACK, then!

Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!
Katsup is not a vegetable!

Scared you, didn't I? smiley - smiley


Post 104


let us not forget dear YK-47 that GOD a.k.a. JIM LYNN is watching and he IS all powerfull over everything H2G2.........
monsy smiley - fish


Post 105

Dizzy H. Muffin

I know. That was only 64, that time. WAAAAAAAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! [thud]


Post 106


*stands a good distance from YK-47 to avoid any stray lightning strikes*
64 times or 1-47 times....somehow i don't think he will split hairs when it comes to passing judgement so i'd watch my P's & Q's if i were you smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish


Post 107

Dizzy H. Muffin

I'm taller than you!


Post 108


I've never seen you, YK-47, but I'd bet you're not taller than Monsy......and I never bet on anything but a sure thing!smiley - winkeye



Post 109

Dizzy H. Muffin

I'm six foot four! Howabout /you/, Monsy?


Post 110


Somehow I have a hard time believing that!


size doesn't matter

Post 111


I just have to ask this.... "what the h e double toothpicks does size have to do with any of this??!!"....i mean we ARE in cyberspace and last time i checked size did not come into play in this case... smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

size doesn't matter

Post 112


That's right! You could be 8' 4", and it would still amount to naught here! Here it's all about how you use your fingers...

smiley - smiley

size doesn't matter

Post 113

Fenchurch M. Mercury

That's right, just watch the slick slyness I use- I can treaten you all, just wait and see:

dkfji di4i999jrasm ikd.

I know. And I'm just a mere 5'7 in real life.

size doesn't matter

Post 114


Should I ask what all the letters and numbers up there mean, or would that not be a subject to pursue?


size doesn't matter

Post 115

Man in Shack

'Scuse me, just passing by you see, and I couldn't help noticing...

catsup is spelled with a 'c'
ketchup is spelled with a 'k'
rat soup is spelled with an 'r'
but rat tarts are never okay

...sorry again for the interuption, carry on.

size doesn't matter

Post 116


I hear cats rather enjoy supping on rat tarts!

smiley - biggrin-------------------smiley - smiley

"Birdie birdie, in the sky-
Why'd you do that in my eye?
I'm a big boy, I won't cry-
But, gee, I'm glad cows don't fly!"

size doesn't matter

Post 117


ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smiley - bigeyes
monsy smiley - fish

size doesn't matter

Post 118

Fenchurch M. Mercury

*Fenchurch applauds* That was good! hehehe

size doesn't matter

Post 119

Man in Shack


size doesn't matter

Post 120

Dizzy H. Muffin

What was that æ thing about?

Key: Complain about this post