Researcher Symphony has been banned

10 Conversations

Researcher Symphony has been banned

This has happened without use of the h2g2 transgressions procedure or any notification of the h2g2 community. While the accounts of other banned researchers contain the announcement "This account has been closed," Symphony's does not.

The banishment was announced by longtime h2g2 researcher, Ace, and Guru, Mistdancer, here.

Based on the documentation that has been posted off-site, the reason given for this banishment was that the Symphony account was opened and operated by the owner of the Arpeggio account. If true, that is sufficient grounds for the banning of the Symphony account, as Arpeggio's current status is that of "banned researcher." It should be noted, however, that every other account (known of at this time) that has been alleged to have been opened and operated by the owner of the Arpeggio account has either gone through the transgressions procedure or specifically had that procedure waived by the account holder.

It must be noted here that the owner of the Arpeggio account is known to live in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Researcher Comments

In favor of restoring the Symphony account

The testimony from researchers opposed to the ban thus far is as follows.

I know them. I've spoken to them in person. Others on this site know them. They are, and always have been, in the UK.


Symphony, who is in the UK, offered to prove hir identity.

That offer was made by email, which can presumably be traced to the UK.

That offer was ignored.

The h2g2 logs will presumably show that every time Symphony logged on shi did so from the UK.

Now, there are two telephone lines into the house that LeKZ and I share. One of those lines uses a seperate long distance service. So, I have a further offer of my own. Assuming that the Editors ever get around to telling Symphony what is or isn't acceptable proof that shi isn't LeKZ, if they also give me any date in the past twelve months, I'll send them a copy of all three of our telephone bills that include that date. From there, they are welcome to verify that the numbers we have called belong to humans, not computers.

0, life partner of the person who opened and operated the Arpeggio account.

Well I know Symphony, a bit, and they're *not* LeKZ.

The Return of the Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase

I *know* Symphony is nowhere physically near LeKZ, much less in the same body! Yeah, I know Symphony from online (rather hard to know them IRL, since I'm in California, have never left the US, and they're in the UK...)

Amy Pawloski, Ace and Post Reporter

I am in the US and I called them directly where they are in the UK.


Opposed to restoring the Symphony account

Whisky, Ace, has protested that hir comments as originally posted here were taken out of context and misrepresented. They have, therefore, been removed from his discussion. The words and the context are available at post number 305 here.

Character witness statements

Please post character witness statements below under 'Don't Restore Researcher Symphony' or 'Restore Researcher Symphony'. Postings in this, or any other areas of h2g2 on this subject will not be taken into account, so please concentrate discussion here or some other area of h2g2. Please do not flame. Rational debate is encouraged for the duration of the banishment, and at the end of this period the contents of polite postings made here will probably not be taken into account as the Editors seem to have already decided to ban this Researcher permanently. Postings here and elsewhere will probably be ignored.

A decision may be made at some point in the future, and until that time Researcher Symphony will remain banned. Any decision made may or may not be announced to the community. Email correspondence on this subject will not be entered into with anyone except Researcher Symphony. The Editors may not participate in the Conversations below, although it would be nice if they did. Persistent emailing on this subject, or posting on this subject to the Editors' Personal Spaces, may lead to a suspension of your account.

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