A Conversation for Newport, Shropshire, UK

A1154530 - Newport, Shropshire, UK

Post 41

Number Six

Nice. smiley - cheers

I don't know if you can work it in, but A997987 is a very nice EG article about a non-competitive night bicycle ride which I happen to know about 'cos I subbed it!

And hopefully my last suggestion is just to add a little about quite how important the Lilleshall Sports Injury and Human Performance Centre is for football - there's a good article here on the PFA website - http://www.givemefootball.com/display.cfm?article=1579&type=2

Also, before Premiership clubs (and others) all had their own youth academies, there was a single national FA Centre of Excellence which was based at Lilleshall - it produced a few decent players like Nick Barmby and Alan Smith, and I think the last class graduated in about 1997.

smiley - mod

A1154530 - Newport, Shropshire, UK

Post 42


Michael Owen was in the school of excellence too - they all went to school at Idsall, but seeing as neither the school nor the sports centre is in Newport, I don't want to talk about it too much.

smiley - panda

A1154530 - Newport, Shropshire, UK

Post 43

Number Six

I concur - but maybe it's worth just a sentence with the rest of the Lilleshall stuff? After all, if you say the word 'Lilleshall' to most football fans they know exactly what you're talking about - but hardly anyone knows where it is!

smiley - mod

A1154530 - Newport, Shropshire, UK

Post 44


A footnote maybe... I'll see what I can do!

smiley - panda

A1154530 - Newport, Shropshire, UK

Post 45


Sorted smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

A1154530 - Newport, Shropshire, UK

Post 46

Number Six

Have you seen a certain page lately, by the way smiley - winkeye

smiley - mod

A1154530 - Newport, Shropshire, UK

Post 47


What page?

smiley - panda

A1154530 - Newport, Shropshire, UK

Post 48

Number Six

The one you can only see if you have a certain badge...

smiley - mod

A1154530 - Newport, Shropshire, UK

Post 49


Oooooh, thankee! smiley - biggrin

smiley - panda

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Post 50

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Post 51

Number Six

Quelle surprise! smiley - evilgrin

smiley - cheers

smiley - mod

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Post 52

Agent X

smiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - cheers

smiley - bluefish

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Post 53


smiley - cheers everyone!

smiley - panda

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Post 54

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Well done C smiley - cheers

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