A Conversation for The Forum

Questions for God

Post 61


Where did you get that shirt?

smiley - dragon

Questions for God

Post 62



No Immaculate conceptions please.
smiley - laugh

Questions for God

Post 63

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

I'd ask:

'Didn't I tell you to f**k off?'

Questions for God

Post 64


I guess one would have to ask Hir about Nietzsche at some point...

Questions for God

Post 65

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe


No Immaculate conceptions please.<

Wouldn't a prerequisite for Immaculate Conceptions be immaculate behavior?

I suspect you're safe, Alex. smiley - winkeye

Questions for God

Post 66

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Wow, so you are a Black Woman smiley - cool

Questions for God

Post 67

Cowboy Horse Rider and seeker of knowledge

Not to spoil any fun, but God doesn't make us, or let us suffer. We suffer because of our own stupidity, and ignorence, and disobeidience ECT. So just to let you know, its our fault that we have this disease. And we can stop the suffering any way.
A good question that i would like to know is
>Why are these people stupid
have you ever had the phone to your ear and have someone walk up and say
"Using the phone?"
Man, that would be a good question

Questions for God

Post 68


*deep intake of breath*

You speak as if you haven't seen too many people around you suffer too much then (or don't particularly care about them). Well lucky you. smiley - cross

Questions for God

Post 69

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

*Taps foot in an irritated fashion*

So suffering is all down to stupidity and ignorance?

Wow! I never realised that having to go on medication because of stress and depression and then losing my job because of the same was acutally a good thing! Y'see, I am neither stupid nor ignorant so that means I was actually having the time of my life when things got so bad I was scared to leave the house and my immune system stopped working properly!

*Patiently awaits the "well, that's different" response*

Questions for God

Post 70

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I would, but the Emily Latella voice doesn't come across very well in text.

Questions for God

Post 71

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I think the point is (well, it was the point of my "question to God") or the question about why God doesn't stop all the horrific things that happen on the planet is that IF God "punishes" some people for being evil and "saves" innocents from evil (as in "God saw to it that I survived cancer" or "It was God's intervention that saved me from being hit by the bus", why could he not save babies being beaten to death by their parents, innocents being killed in war, and animals being tortured?

I don't hold with the "free will" concept of why God doesn't intervene in certain situations and does in others (according to those that believe in God... and that isn't a dig at people who do believe in God. I am a firm believer in the idea that someone's belief in God has come about by their own reasoning and searching for answers. Obviously, I have come up with s different answer to the questions but that doesn't make my "answers" any more or less valid than theirs)..... If God gave humans the "free will" to act and also to suffer the consequences He/She wouldn't act in any way to stop something from happening or to make something happen in any situation.

Either God's "reasoning" that innocents should suffer so that humans learn some obscure "lesson" then His/Her reasoning is faulty OR humans' belief that God "gave" them the free will as a test is faulty OR their belief in a God who cares one way or the other what humans do is faulty OR (and this is my personal belief) God does not exist and WE allow innocents to suffer because we make choices about who or what is of value.

Obviously, there are those who believe that God would and does allow such things to happen because he gave us free will. I just can't accept that to be the case. Again, this is my personal belief and that doesn't make it so.

What I DO object to is the humans who say or blithely go about bombing the cr@p out of other countries believing that "the death of civilians is "collateral damage"" (Major General Charles H. Swannack, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, promises that his forces [in Iraq] are going to "use a sledgehammer to smash a walnut") OR plowing planes into buildings because "God is on OUR side and there are no innocents but us"...

Questions for God

Post 72


Let's enjoy a bottle of vodka together, me old mucker, God.

Soooo......... Who's gonna win the Della Wars? Will you force the Slanted Ones to step in if the body count gets too ridiculously high, and spoil everyone's fun. Or will it just go on and on and on cos human beings just can't cope without a good war!

Actually what I really wanted to know, are Arsenal gonna beat Man U on saturday in the FA Cup? smiley - laugh

Questions for God

Post 73

Gone again

If you consider God to be a being that created the universe exclusively for the benefit of humans, then this is a difficult issue to which I can see no acceptable answer. If, on the other hand, you consider a God who created the universe for the benefit of all the living things it contains, then the question itself starts to look a bit silly, wouldn't you say? smiley - winkeye


"Who cares, wins"

Questions for God

Post 74

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Or if you consider God to be the product of the active imaginations of pre-literate humans trying to cope with things they could not understand, the question is nonsense.

Of course, of the three interpretations offered so far, only one of them has any historical and scientific data to support it.

Questions for God

Post 75


If this really is God standing next to me in the pub, will I have to ask anything? Won't God just know my every thought & respond?

Questions for God

Post 76

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - bookmarking

Questions for God

Post 77

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'd have a few questions. Conyac or Wisky?

Where is nighthooer?

Why did you make females so different from males in every respect?

What happened with that string winder of mine, wher edid it go?

What was the point of dodos ?

Questions for God

Post 78

clzoomer- a bit woobly

...altogether too many here answering questions intended for the Big *G* IMHO. smiley - laugh

Read some of the backlog and just couldn't continue when Az managed to get her hair involved...smiley - rofl as to *It's* PIN it's gotta be 999, innit? 666 upside down as it were smiley - winkeye

Hmmm. Questions...

I expected your voice to be like James Earl Jones, how come it sounds like Pee Wee Herman?

No need to ask about the *in your image* thing since I am now grey haired with a beard, but what about the ladies, huh?

If we have the freedom to choose, why can't we *choose* you out of existence?

If an unbaptised baby goes to Hell or Perdition or Purgatory or whatever then I don't want a pint from you, OK? If not then how could you screw up your message so horribly? And if it's not the message but our interpretation then how can you have created us to be so damn obtuse and expect any positive results?

Questions for God

Post 79

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Who do you think you are?

Do all pickles glow?

Why don't all snails vibrate?

You looking at me punk?

Why don't you just mind your own bisuness?

Who appointed you?

Questions for God

Post 80

clzoomer- a bit woobly

2legs, that sounds like what I imagine you sound like after the 5th or 6th pint on any given Saturday night anyway...

Oh, and...

What's with nematodes?

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