A Conversation for The Forum

Questions for God

Post 121


God, The Devil and Bob.

Such a brilliantly moral programme that Christians just didn't 'get' and so it got cancelled.

First episode in bits here.


James Garner as God and Alan Cumming as the Devil. Inspired stuff.

Questions for God

Post 122


I wouldn't ask any questions. If i saw him, that'd be an answer.

Questions for God

Post 123


Why is he happy to allow priests to rape and abuse children and then have 'the Church' hide the abuse and the law-breakers by moving them around and then have his person on Earth 'the Pope' write a letter of apology, not to the abused but, to 'the Church' in Ireland for the mess they've got themselves into?

Questions for God

Post 124


The Church IS a mess

Questions for God

Post 125

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

>I wouldn't ask any questions. If i saw him, that'd be an answer.<

How fantastically incurious*. An answer to what?

At the very least I suppose this throws open the the field that gods exist, now I'd have to seriously start to question which other gods might exist but haven't manifested themselves, whether the scripture is a true an accurate reflection of gods, actions, personality, wishes etc, and then whether or not a citizen's arrest might be in order.

smiley - handcuffssmiley - bluelight

* what's this? a head-shaped hole-in-the-sand; who put that there? I think this might belong to you.

Questions for God

Post 126


Well clive, Seeing god at a bar would be an answer to the question:
"Does god exist?"
Because I've really been wondering for a while.
Seeing god at a bar would also bring to mind the question:
"How much have I been drinking?

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