A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Yavin IV

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 901

Secretly Not Here Any More

*offers his hand and pulls the padawan back to his feet*

If you can use the force to help yourself, it's easy. You can't mask your emotions properly so I had a good idea where you were going to hit me. Then once I knew where your arm was going to be I just had to move mine there first. Using the Force I could do that a damn sight quicker than I could otherwise. After that, well I learnt that little flick in a bar fight back home. *smiles*

And that's unarmed. With a lightsaber and the right amount of training, skill and honest luck you can be untouchable.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 902


*Puppet watches from one of the Temple's roofs*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 903

General Scary

*takes the offered hand*
i had no idea the force was so powerful!!!

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 904

Secretly Not Here Any More

Bear in mind it's taken me years to perfect my technique, and I'm still learning. You have the potential to go far, but without training it's just potential.

You need to practise feeling the force and manipulating objects, then once you're comfortable with that we can apply the force to yourself.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 905

General Scary

ok where do we start?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 906

Secretly Not Here Any More

*leads him through the forest to a rocky outcrop*

Stones. They're not alive, so they aren't strong in the Force. They also appear to be heavy, a preconception that could work against you.

*indicates a large boulder, that would be difficult to lift unaided*

That's your starting point. I want it moved on top of that. *indicates a slightly larger boulder*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 907

General Scary

*sits and meditates before standind and lifting the boulder with apparant ease*
Master how can this happen?
*uses the force to place the boulder on top of a nearby boulder*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 908

Secretly Not Here Any More

You're apparently quite strong in the force. Now I want you to lift those two boulders and hold them. It'll be very difficult for someone with your level of training, but I think you may be able hold it. Keep your concentration and don't worry too much if you fail.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 909

General Scary

*meditates before lifting the two boulders a couple of inches above the groung*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 910

Secretly Not Here Any More



*the boulders tumble*

... but you are not a Jedi yet. Keep practising until you're comfortable with using the Force to manipulate objects, the come and find me.

*heads off back into the Academy complex*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 911

General Scary

*uses the force to move several objects including boulders, logs and plants*
now where is my master?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 912

General Scary

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 913

Secretly Not Here Any More

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 914

Secretly Not Here Any More

<Obviously not... F133699?thread=3081045&latest=1>

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 915

General Scary

*walk towards jedi temple*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 916


*the last Gibur drops automated anti-ship lasers in the jungle in line with the four corners of the temple*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 917

Secretly Not Here Any More

*A figure staggers through the woods. The figure is hooded, and tall. His frame is that of a man who may once have been strong and powerful but has become bent and twisted by age. Or something more sinister than age. The very living forest seems to bend and sway away from the shambling man as he heads towards a small rocky outcrop*

*With no small amount of difficulty, the man reaches his destination, a small, secluded cave. As he enters the cave he drops to his knees, his head hanging limply, chin resting on his chest*

*The man's eyes seem to change in the shadow, becoming a lurid, cloudy yellow. Shadows flicker and dance across the walls as a dull purple corpusant sparks from the man's fingertips before scorching the lifeless sand of the cave*

*As the corpusant grows brighter, seeming now to be flashes of lightning arcing from hands which seem somehow more powerful, yet more gnarled, the man's head rises, contorted by a rictus grin made terrible by a network of scars across his wracked features.*

*The mans eyes flash again, this time clear and white with bright, dark pupils. His features soften and his scars seem somehow less horrific, even though they lend his face a mocking look*

*His grin fades to a morose look of grim determination as the figure seemingly realises what he must do*

*A jet black cylinder leaps into the man's hand from a fold deep in his cloak, and trembling fingers rotate it 180 degrees*

*The shadows of the cave seem to grow darker as a brilliant flash of pure white light erupts from the item in the man's hand before suddenly all becomes dark*

*The black lightsaber hilt drops to the floor, followed by a fluttering robe. All that remains of the figure are two pieces of metal, one a hand and the other a leg.*

*At the mouth of the cave, the ghost of Jedi Master Annat Tayswi is blown into a thin blue mist by what seems to be the hot, dry wind of a far distant desert."

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 918

General Scary

*Runs Into The Cave*

*Stares Blandly At The Robe, Before Turning And Running Towards The Jedi Temple*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 919

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

<smiley - cry bye master tayswi >

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