A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Yavin IV

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 841


*after a few moments Puppet simply shoves the attacker into a tree with the Force*

*before it can recover it smashes as a large boulder slams into it with great strength, followed another that crushes it in a sandwich.*

*Puppet deactivates his blades and looks wih a shrewd smile*

PUPPET: Think I need help do you, Mm?

KLATSIM: *steps out of trees and smiles* Not at all Master Puppet. Just--

*the Annat copy rises up but suddenly crushes in on itself with a metallic wheeze*

*Puppet and Klatsim both open their fists and the fragments of the copy fall to the ground. They look back to each other*

KLATSIM: --investigating the "comet" that arrived.

*Puppet prods the Annat copy with his stick*

PUPPET: Unusual droid.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 842

Secretly Not Here Any More

*sprints into view and skids to a halt*

Masters. There have been a few.... Problems.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 843

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 844


*Klatsim reattaches his saber and points to the metallic mess*

KLATSIM: Really?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 845

Secretly Not Here Any More

Yeah. Miasma seems to have cloned me a few times, and created robotic versions of me...

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 846


KLATSIM: How many?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 847

Secretly Not Here Any More

I'd say upwards of a thousand clones, but I wouldn't be able to say on the robotics. Miasma himself seems to be a combination of organic material cloned from me, and synthetic material including cortosis alloys....


It's not good. Not good at all. The only thing I take solace in is that hopefully many clones would have perished when his craft self-destructed.


Oh. And To'bru Deran is either dead, a captive, or Geddon has reclaimed Velte as his apprentice.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 848


PUPPET: Damage control we need.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 849

Secretly Not Here Any More


Any suggestions Master?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 850


KLATSIM: Well taking a look at that escape pod for one.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 851

Secretly Not Here Any More


I'm not stopping you.

*scratches at the bruises and cuts on his body from his duel with Miasma*

I think I need to go to the infirmary. Oh, and I acquired two cloned limbs. I'm considering having them fitted instead of the bionics, so I may be out of action for a few days...

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 852


<*Sends him to Planet Bhettur-Arpee-Evry-Daa-Ohr-Dyye*>

KLASTIM: To the bacta tank again Annat? You'd think we could have ridden you of at least THAT bad habit.

*Puppet makes his way back to the Temple*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 853

Secretly Not Here Any More

Well Master, there's worse habits to have.


Yavin IV Jungle

Post 854

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 855

Secretly Not Here Any More

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 856

Lorelei Ga'fen - Jedi;Lori Pendragon - theif,assassin,& witch - see Brokeback Mountain!4 Baftas!

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 857

Secretly Not Here Any More

*heads to the infirmary*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 858

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*Pamun finds herself a quiet clearing. She ties a blindfold around her eyes and ignites the two lightsabers she is holding. After taking a moment to centre her breathing she jumps at a tree and kicks it, knocking some leaves out of the branches. She slices each of the falling leaves neatly in two before landing on the forest floor*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 859

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*Pamun's been out training for ages now and she is clearly exausted, yet she keeps going almost obsessively. She suddenly staggers, losing her focus. For a moment she stays still, trying to work out what shook her, then she dismisses it as nerves and starts again*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 860


*Approaches quietly and takes a seat on a log on the edge of the clearing, across from where Pamun is training.*

*Speaks gently*

You're working hard.

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