A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Yavin IV

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 881

Secretly Not Here Any More


Peace is what we strive for, prosperity is an illusion which creates barriers between the rich and poor. But a good answer nonetheless.

Second question. *points towards the academy bulidings* In there is a high tech training suite, the wealth of the archives and much more. Why then are we stood in a slightly damp and muddy field?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 882

General Scary

*shows a puzzled look*
to show that we should not believe that we are better than others?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 883

Secretly Not Here Any More

*shakes his head*

Reach out with your feelings and tell me why we're out here...

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 884

General Scary

is it to get in touch with my feelings?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 885

Secretly Not Here Any More

You're getting closer, but you're still too concerned with the self.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 886

General Scary

*meditates again*
Oh to feel the force all around us and within everything?!

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 887

Secretly Not Here Any More


Exactly. I can teach you all the lightsaber forms, all the diplomatic techniques and all the theory in the galaxy, but unless you learn to feel the force then you don't have a chance. Do you understand?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 888

General Scary

Yes master
*nods whilst talking*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 889

Secretly Not Here Any More

Very good. In this forest are thousands of life-forms. Everything has its own signature in the Force. It's not enough to notice the entirety of the Force however, you will need to be able to sense each and every force signature here. Some things are weak in the force, others are strong. The strong ones, like your fellow Jedi are easy to find but others are more difficult.

*points to a single plant*

You need to reach out with your mind and find that plant in the Force. Then we'll see if you can use the Force to affect it.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 890

General Scary

*Sits and concerntrates*

Master!!! i think i have found it!!!

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 891

Secretly Not Here Any More

Very good youngling. Now if you look, the wind is blowing it so it bends towards the west. I want you to make it point east. Be careful though, too much pressure and you'll snap the thing in half.


So go on then.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 892

General Scary

*concerntrates really hard*

*the plant point east*

*eyes still closed*
did it work?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 893

Secretly Not Here Any More

*nods slowly*

That it did. Now lift it. If you focus on the whole plant and lift, then it will lift. Focus on the stem and it will tear. Always remember that, see things in their entirety, even when parts of them are hidden.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 894

General Scary


*Gently lifts plant out of soil and places it on flower bed*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 895

Secretly Not Here Any More

Very good. You seem to have some talent with the Force...
However, merely moving things around isn't going to make you into a Jedi Knight is it now padawan? It's not enough to be able to use the force on other things, you have to be able to use it on yourself too.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 896

General Scary

*intreiged look*
master? how can i use the force oon myself?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 897

Secretly Not Here Any More


Well. Try and hit me. Go on, free punch *taps his chin* right there. Only chance you'll get.

*drops his hands to his sides*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 898

General Scary

*makes a quick Uppercut aimed at Annat's Chin*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 899

Secretly Not Here Any More

*at almost impossible speed, Annat flicks out one of his hands to grip the padawan's wrist, then twists in an attempt to send the padawan sprawling across the grass*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 900

General Scary

*Lands on his back*
*Gasps in Surprise*

< smiley - doh >

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