A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Yavin IV

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 861

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes


Not hard enough. Sawen shouldn't have been able to have snuck up on me like that

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 862



If you want to train to make sure the same thing doesn't happen again, fine.But training untill you collapse isn't going to help you deal with it...

..Any of it.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 863

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*Pamun is on the verge of replying when her exhaustion catches up with her. She falls forwards and drops the sabers*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 864


*Hurries across the clearing and puts a hand out to her,looking worried.*


Yavin IV Jungle

Post 865

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*Pamun kneels on the ground and picks up the sabers*

I'm fine...

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 866


* looks relived. sits down next to her.*

You know you're not alone in this right?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 867

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*Pamun stays quiet and takes the blindfold off*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 868


*Glances at Pamun. then gazes pensively around at the surrounding trees.*

*Stays silent for a few minuites, the only sounds are those of the Jungle.*

I wonder how old thoses trees are...

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 869

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

I'm sorry about this, I'm not behaving very Jedi-ish. It's just that I've already lost so much to Sawen. I couldn't cope if anything else happened because of him

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 870


Why? you couldn't controll his actions.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 871

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

You're right, I can't do that... what I can do is accept responsibility for my own. If I hadn't ran off like that and gotten caught things would have gone differently. I just know it.

*stands up, a little unsteadily*

And then I killed him. He should have been arrested and stood trial for what he did. That's never going to happen now because of me. There can be no justice for all those he hurt and that's all my fault. I've decided, I'm going to see the Masters and face the consequences.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 872


*nodds in understanding and stands up.*

I'll be around if you need to talk or anything.

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 873


*Walks aimlessly through the forest for a while.

decides to find something to do and heads back in to the temple.*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 874


*Is sitting in the forest.*

*In her pocket a comlink bleeps (?) as it receives a message. Starting, she looks supprised and listens to the message. When it's finished she stares at the comlink for a moment looking alarmed, then marches off in the direction of the hanger.*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 875

Secretly Not Here Any More

*heads towards a clearing and waits for his padawan to catch up*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 876

General Scary

*stands next to his master*
master what is my training lightly to entrail?
*meditates briefley and then re-allines himself by his master*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 877

Secretly Not Here Any More

*looks to the apprentice incredulously*

You're going to be trained to be a Jedi Knight. What do /you/ think you need to know?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 878

General Scary

*stands to talk*
i believe that i will need to be trained in the history of the force, how to use a lightsabre and thing like that master
*sits back down*

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 879

Secretly Not Here Any More


That's good. You will have to learn these things. However what you need to learn first is who you are. Why do you want to be a Jedi youngling?

Yavin IV Jungle

Post 880

General Scary

master is there more than keeping peace and prosperity to the galaxy?

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