Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 1

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Nephew Who comes in pushing a trolley piled with phonebooks
"I would like to join, note me as Susan Winkle will you? Hmm, got a little work here for you."
Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"We would like to join, can you call us Susan Winkle?"
smiley - titsmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote Traveller in Time translates
" here also wants to be called Susan Winkle, would that be a problem?"
smiley - fish "I am known as Dict Code Hacking, but can you note me down as Susan Winkle too?"
"I have the inpression we are going to get some trouble with this, note me as Susan too will you?"

Nephew Who just unloaded the phone books and walks to the desk
"But what if the environment protection movement finds out. This would have great inpact on the naming diversity of this universe. Not to mention the question Who you were talking to just the other day."
Susan Winkle aka <>
"You have got a point there Susan Winkle aka Nephew Who. But there are no problems that can not be solved by someone else."
Susan Winkle aka Traveller in Time Susan Winkle aka smiley - tit (??)
"Ah, I know it everybody else would be Susan Winkle. This is the first solution for the NOP (Not Our Problem) field I have ever heard of."
Susan Winkle aka <>
"But that would mean we can not do anything until we solved all our problems, would it not be? The officials will love the idea, and run like the wind if they find out the NOP field dissolved"

Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 2

We Are Susan. Join Us!


Thank you (all) for your interest in the "We Are Susan Winkle Movement".

Please re-visit these pages as often as you can, we are in the process of adding new content to our home space.
Many of the articles that we are adding will give more detailed background information about the movement as well as explaining our philosophy on different subjects.

We hope that you will find something that you can relate to within the articles we create. If you find yourself thinking like us (Susan Forbid!!) then please Join Us!

For more information on joining the "We Are Susan Winkle Movement" please see our up coming article titled (oddly enough) "Joining The We Are Susan Winkle Movement".

Once again, thank you most sincerely for your interest.


Susan Winkle.

***One World. One Name. We Are Susan. Join Us!***

Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 3

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Susan Winkle aka Nephew Who coming in pushing a wheel barrow
"Hi again, we are building the Susan Winkle City. But somehow the Editors will not let the concrete harden. Will get it done eventually"
Susan Winkle aka <> sucking on her pipe (no smoke coming out)
"We already baffled some others, but perhaps they do not get this whole multi persona state I am in anyway."
Susan Winkle aka Traveller in Time, Susan Winkle aka as in smiley - tit on her head
"Still comes in handy, at times we can say ten things the same time. Thanks for the membership I presume."
Susan Winkle aka <> cleaning the empty pipe
"Had a thought about the NOP field dilemma jet?"

Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Susan Winkle aka Nephew Who coming in wiping the sweat off her face
"Ahh, that was that. I had no idea one had to use pilingwork overhere. But then again, it is, as far as I know, the biggest structure on these premisess."
Susan Winkle aka Traveller in Time wearing a helmet, Susan Winkle aka smiley - tit on his shoulder
"Make a portal to ( A1102032 ) on the campaign pages."

Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 5

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

smiley - rofl

smiley - ok

Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 6

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Yeah, what he said.
smiley - cheers

Now that your pilings are sunk deep, may the faeries conspire to help raise high your roof beams.

smiley - peacedove

Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 7

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Susan Winkle aka Nephew Who comes down in a planetary shuttle
"We have managed, yet no fearies < A1985060 >"

Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 8

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Look like faeries to me.
< A2024498 >
Or maybe fireflies and hypodermic needles.

* gazes at needle... says, "NO!" *

smiley - cheers

Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 9

The one and only BOB (Knight of the attack penguin puppet masters)(We are Susan Winkle. Join us. A1097363)


Hi Susan, We are Susan too, all of us, that makes

Post 10


Imagine if all the good people in the world were called Susan Winkle and all the bad people in the world were called...well *something like* Alistair Qayda. Would that explain anything?

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