2 Conversations

Examine, for a moment if you will, your life as it is at the moment.

Complicated isn't it?

What if one of those complications were suddenly to disappear over night, a complication that would ultimately lead to the removal of a whole load of obstructions and complications that intrude into our every day life.

Well we, of the We Are Susan Movement, believe we have the answer. We have found a way forward and we hope that you will join us in our bid to make the world a simpler place to live in.

How many different people do you know? How many names do you have to remember every day? How many names are you unable to recall every day? How would life be if everybody you met had the same name?

Just think about that for a minute.....

You start a new job, you instantly know everybody's name and everybody knows yours. Instant recognition, no more struggling to fit in.

Imagine now the savings that your employer can make. No cost involved in changing stationary (business cards, compliments slips, letter heads etc), no need to amend computer settings, no lost time in people not knowing who you are. In theory this should allow your employer to spend more of their money where it counts, on you the staff. Better pay and conditions, better terms of employment, in short a whole bag load of joy for everyone.

You meet new people socially, instantly you are able to strike up a rapport with them, no need for introductions, no need to remember names and put them to faces, you all share something in common already - your name.

There are more benefits, many more, to this system. These benefits can be found by accessing the links on our homepage. We feel that we have covered the most pertinent topics but if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave us a message at the bottom of the page.

All people suddenly rendered equal, one world, one name. Susan.

In addition to life simplification by the choice of one name we have spent time solving other problems which we face in our every day life. Our solutions to these (whether they are popular or not) can also be found from our homepage.

We hope that you will share some of our visions and ideals, please join us and spread the word about the We Are Susan Movement.

We are Susan, for we are many. Join Us.

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Infinite Improbability Drive

Infinite Improbability Drive

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